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UV unrwapping problems (newbie question warning)

polycounter lvl 11
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Flaringo polycounter lvl 11
Hey, I'm making some simple weapons I'll try to implement in a source mod at some point, but I'm having some problems with the UV unwrapping.

I'm fairly new to this, and I'm not sure how to deal with this:


Do I have to sort this out manually, or is there some sort of tool that could help me?

Sorry if I'm misusing some terms and what not.


  • Tom Ellis
    Offline / Send Message
    Could you post a shot of your mesh?

    It would be easier to advise on the unwrap if we could see the object you are UV'ing.

    I'm guessing it's something fairly cylindrical, if so you're not far off.

    My two recommendations from seeing it without the mesh would be to do a relax by face angles, check 'keep borders pinned' if necessary.

    Also, I can't remember if Max has this tool by default but if not you can get a script for it... select a row of verts at a time and align them horizontally, then once alll are done, do the same vertically and then move them by row/column until you have nice even UV's.

    As I said though, if you post a shot of the object someone might be able to help more.
  • mLichy
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    Just a quick google search found that. Or you can search on youtube for 3ds max unwrap tutorials. I'm assuming your using 3ds max, right?
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    but I'm having some problems with the UV unwrapping.
    what problem? the image does not speak clear neither does your post tell us anything about the problem.

    Maybe as a first step remove the checker pattern in the background and repost the screen. I could imagine in a way that you want to line up or rectify rectangle UV faces there are plenty of scripts out there that lineup verts in a line. This might help to avoid distorting pixels on the texture (like rotated pixels on an edge).
    Maybe you already saw some of the TexTools, if not here is an overview:

    In particular these tools might be interesting for you
    • ico_straighten.gif
    • ico_rectify.gif

    but other than that yeah maybe post a screen of the 3d model as well
  • Flaringo
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    Flaringo polycounter lvl 11
    Whoops, not sure what I was thinking. Here's some more information:

    I'm using 3ds Max, and I'm unwrapping a cylindrical shape, with some simple extrusions on it.
    Here's a picture:

    I want the lines to be straight and even.

    renderhjs: Those tools look incredibly helpful, thanks!

    mLichy: I'll take a look at this.

    creationtwentytwo: I'll try what you mentioned.
  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    try a cylindrical mapping for the bigger tube and another one for the front one. Select the extruded parts and relax them. That should give you a nice pixel distortion free map.

    To map something cylindrical in the UVunwrap Modifier simply select the faces and then hit the Cylinder button on the right side.
  • Flaringo
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    Flaringo polycounter lvl 11
    Oh shit, that is so much easier than what I just did. I had already started aligning them manually by scaling and moving before I had any replies (eager to texture it I 'spose :>), so I just continued with the same method. Wasn't too tedious and time consuming, but I will definitely remember the method you just taught me, renderhjs!

    Thank you!
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