Does anybody use this on their website?
I'm trying to use it on my next site, but when I try to view the set of images, it displays the last image in the group first.
Any known fixes?
Sorry, not game related =\
I fixed the order problem, but now it repeats the last picture 8 times. even though its not in the code to do so. lol.
so instead of having 8 pictures. i have 16, and the last 8 are repeated.
IMHO Lightbox is slow and prevents easy saving of images for reference or future contact.
Does lightbox really bother people? I've seen some sites where lightbox totally breaks the browser, but I've seen some that work really well. It seems to be a case to case situation, so I was just wondering if lightbox was starting to become a dying trend.
i mean...clean , straight to the point, no lightbox BS.