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Character Modeling for Next-Gen Games Modeling and Sculpting with Richard Smith

How does the board feel about this DVD, because i have the money and i'm ready to purchase. Is this worth the buy?


  • Slipstream
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    I don't know if you could expect everyone to have bought the dvd. The images in the tutorial and on his personal website look pretty amazing though. Base your decision on that, or try asking around on their forums.
  • hijak
    its a pretty decent tutorial, however it does not cover a lot of what you see. For example it covers the construction of the base body mesh, and sculpting but does not cover the creation of the clothes just the sculpting of them, and a lot of the parts are just imported from maya like the knee pads etc so you never get to see those built, most of what you get is sculpting clothing, and workign with many subtools in zbrush. Also someting to note is he uses NEX plugin for maya to do the retopo so without that app you wont be able to follow along, unless you just translate into another app. However you can get a 30 day trial of NEX so if you feel like ityou can get it for the durration of the project. Also the normal mapping coverage is not super or anything, thats a pretty well covered topic.

    one thing good about this dvd is that his sculpting workflow is very straitforward and freeform, however he has considerable sculpting skill so being able to reporduce the same techniques will take a lot of practice. Overall a good dvd, but i think it would be better bundled with a second dvd for texturing.

    a similar tutorial is also pretty good, and covers more poly modeling stuff,

    Character Design and Modeling for Next-Gen Games

    With Vitaly Bulgarov
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