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Weird Max can't select glitch??

polycounter lvl 19
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TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 19
Hey all!

So my version of max is acting really wonky all of a sudden. I'll be working on a model (regular poly editing) and I'll select a face, do something like extrude the face out using the "settings" button and then I'll try to deselect the face or select another face and max simply refuses to let me. I can turn Editable Poly mode on and off, but I can't deselect my geometry or select new geometry or even select or deselect new faces within that piece of geometry.

I can't even select or deselect new geometry with the selection list or by going to Edit Select None, Select All or Select Invert. They're all greyed out.

The only thing I can do is close max and start it up again but if I do this, its only a matter of minutes before the error will occur again.

Anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?

I'm running Max 2009 on a Quad Core 3.0ghz with 8gb of ram.

The only thing I can think of is that I recently switched over to OpenGL from Direct 3D because the latest Nvidia drivers were causing max to crash quite often.



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