Hi! My name is
Christoffer (Chris) Radsby, I'm a 3d-artist and I began to learn about game-art at the start of this summer (June 2009). Back then I didn't know how to texture an object, specular maps, normalmaps, I didn't know about low-highpoly workflow,baking normalmaps or viewport plugins. I've since then followed my own strict plan to get better and this is where I am today. Right now I'm looking for a job or an internship to help me get into the industry.
I'm most interested in creating characters though I sometimes feel like I don't have the confidence or skills to pursue that career. I haven't been at this very long, so I'm quite concerned that my work won't keep a consistent quality.
I like creating creatures the most, such as the T-Rex and The Crawler that can be found on my portfolio. Oh well, please give me your comments and crits, and if you want to know more about me you can always check out the "about" section of my website.
It's also confusing that you have a blog, game reviews and lots more stuff all crammed on that one site. If you're looking to get hired, it's about your work and nothing else I'd say. For that same reason I personally find it a bit weird that you place pictures of yourself all over your site. Also try to fuse the about me and resume into one page: your "who amI?" text really isn't as relevant to employers as your resume, so you should try to change the focus there a bit.
Anyway, it might just be my personal preference, but I think simple, clean, to-the-point websites without many fancy add-ons come across as the most professional.
These are examples I really like a lot:
What you say is true, I should probably change that. Thanks!
Right, I got it I will probably need a whole new site for the portfolio then eh? Cut to the chase, with images of my work.
A lot of people try to do too much with their first attempt at a portfolio. They get wrapped up in the web design and forget the most important part, there art work. One page with all your images is a great way to go: Example: http://www.adambromell.com/
Anyways, good luck! I think you will probably need to improve your work a bit to land a in studio gig, so keep at it!
I understand, I will just have to seperate the two
@Gods_Requiem, here you go http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1481934#post1481934 . He made use of Ndo 2 a whole lot, lots of modularity on the houses to.