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Max Script, thou art so Heartless

Hey everyone.

As part of a university assignment I am rigging the old school ariel hunter killer seen in terminator 1 and 2.

From a rigging perspective this isnt exactly a hard vehicle to rig, simple IK and FK solutions, look at constraints and some particle emitters to make it all fancy.

But what I would like to do is make it more complicated. I have started to learn basic max script, and in conjunction with the reaction manager I would like to develop a flight interface of sorts to control the HK.

My problem at the moment (one of many) is that I cannot update the custom attributes rollout bar I have made without resetting the links that have been created in the reaction manager. Which causes several headaches when I want to try out a new spinner or slider, or piece of script.

I was wondering If anyone could give me some input on how to expand this simple script into something that will aid the animator to create movement in the simplest way.

Below I have pasted in what script I have currently been able to make.

So far I have got the leg sliders linked with the dummies in the scene that move the IK solvers, however I am still yet to find a way to link the dummies to move through the X axis using max script rather than the reaction manager.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


ca=attributes HKInterface
parameters params rollout:HKbox
AllLegs type:#float ui:Leg
RearLeftLeg type:#float ui:Leg1
FrontLeftLeg type:#float ui:Leg2
RearRightLeg type:#float ui:Leg3
FrontRightLeg type:#float ui:Leg4

Yaw type:#float ui:yaw
Pitch type:#float ui:Pitch
rollout HKbox "HK Interface"
local range=[0,100,0]
slider Leg "All Legs" width: 150 align:#left
slider Leg1 "Rear Left Leg" width: 150 align:#left
slider Leg2 "Front Left Leg" width: 150 align:#left
slider Leg3 "Rear Right Leg" width: 150 align:#left
slider Leg4 "Front Right Leg" width: 150 align:#left
slider Legs "Ground Level Gear" width: 150 align:#left
slider Jet "All Jets" width: 150 align:#left
slider Jet1 "Left Jet" width: 150 align:#left
slider jet2 "Right Jet" width: 150 align:#left
slider Height "Height" width: 150 align:#left
spinner yaw "Yaw" range:[0,360,180] align:#center offset:[0,0]
spinner Pitch "Pitch" range:[0,360,180] align:#center offset:[0,0]

Button Fire "Fire Plasma Gun" width: 150 height: 25
radiobuttons SL "Search Lights" labels:#("on","off")
custAttributes.add $.modifiers[1] ca


  • KnightVision3d
    Ok so a quick bump and an update. I think I may have solved the reloading of the rollout within max without severing the links in the reaction manager by creating this script.
    Button Reload "Reload Rollout" width: 150 height: 25

    on Reload pressed do
    custAttributes.redefine old_def new_def_string

    wont be able to test it till tomorrow but I hope it works.
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