Hey everyone... I read this post
http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=57532 because I had a problem with my verts disappearing. MoP's post helped, but it is only temporary and comes back when I reload my scene file... But there's more now!
1. The vertices do disappear like stated above regardless if I reload the scene and regardless of what scene I open.
2. The vertices when "scaled" down like in MoP's trick do re-appear, but they keep changing in size (the blue square indicators). I checked the viewport preferences and they're on the default (2 and 3) and regardless of what I change them to, it still changes in size.
3. I can fix the problem in general by changing my driver to open GL... But that's not fun... My FPS gets cut in half.
4. I deleted the max .ini file but that doesn't do anything either...
![:( :(](https://polycount.com/plugins/emojiextender/emoji/twitter/frown.png)
Anyone know what's going on?
I've actually gotten used to many little annoyances in 3d max, such as my duplicated objects losing their material, my "\" hotkey suddenly forgetting its function and thinking its the "B" hotkey (I know it thinks its a B because when I go to customize hotkey and hit \, a b pops up instead), the undo button no longer working, one time the save AND autobak stopped working and many others that I cant think of right now
But yea I get used to it, and that undo one can be fixed by restarting max... which isnt ideal but whatever
Did you try the Open GL trick I posted?
hmm things seem to be smoother with opengl, i dont notice any fps drop... but that low res texture makes the option not worth it
Yeah I know
But on the bright side! I fixed it...
I closed out Max in total, opened the program again (opens a new scene file) and then merged the old scene file in there and it worked perfectly.
Give it a shot!
In my first post, you may notice I said I did make a new scene file... But that was from file>new xD
edit: nope, disabled switcher, restarted max, problem still occurs after I do anything, including navigating viewport and switching to another sub-object selection mode mode - even on a fresh scene with just a cube created.
edit #2; found a fix; disable the "show vertices as dots" preference, and then vertices become a crosshair type thingy. Which is smaller than my old dots, but better than being invisible. yay
Thanks for making the thread, I was actually too lazy to try and fix the problem and really had gotten used to it
These new crosshair-vertices arent bad.
Yeah that worked for me too...
Ummm, not to sound like a dick, but did you close out max in it's entirety (not just your scene file) and then reopened the program (not a scene file) and then merge?
Haha, I would imagine... Considering you worked with nothing :P
Good luck!
Select all the vertices, selecting scale, then go customize>preferences>viewport>configure drivers> and un-check redraw scene on window expose> click ok and click ok on the preference setting too.
Then go back and turn redraw scene on window expose back on.
Then reopen preferences, go to view port and change the vertice size and handle size.
At this point all the vetices have become visible for me so i just go back into preferences>viewport and change the vertex size back to 3 and handle size to 3
Luckily for me, recently I've been able to skip the whole redraw on windows expose step and make the vertices visible just by selecting all of them, clicking scale and changing their size in preferences>viewport.
Hope this works for you
oh wow, this actually worked ;o I wonder how long it lasts until the problem occurs again~
edit; just looked over the previous thread again and realised mops solution was actually the same... For some reason when I read it at the time I thought mops trick was to select all vertices and then scale them (and then undo the scale) - this actually worked at that time so didnt think I misread it
Yeah, that's what I meant by MoP's trick. But dippndots had a lot more to it. I found though that it was the scene file itself, maybe it's different for you who knows :P