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Titus - Blue Mosque WIP

Hey everyone, since this is my first post I owe an introduction. My name is Titus a student at Ai Schaumburg shooting for a Game Art Design degree. I mainly digitally paint for concept art and matte painting on my free time but now I'm pushing that aside for some more 3d modeling. I'll admit, I'm not great or experienced in 3D but I'm hardly arrogant when it comes to learning from someone else. So with that said, I hope I can learn a lot from you guys. Also, bear with me on my skill level, I don't know a lot about Max or the terminology so I might ask for explaining.

The model I'm showing now is 80% on it's way to being finished. I used the Blue Mosque from Istanbul for my main reference. This building is for my final project for my class "Designing Interior Spaces and Worlds" and will eventually have the look and feel of "Theed" from Star Wars, Naboo. The isntructor gave me a 40k tri limit on this building (I'm not sure if that's a lot for a main building for a game? But it might be just for screen shots) and I want to make this look awesome.

I was wondering, since the next step is to texture this bad boy, if anyone has any awesome tutorials on tilable texturing a building like mine with different materials.

I look forward to hearing from you guys.






  • mathes

    Go to Shares, and click on the next-gen texture tutorials in the top right.
  • Titus S
    Thank you Mathes, I saved that .pdf on my desktop for later usage :P
  • Titus S
    Here's an update... I Naboo'd it a little bit :)

    Does anyone know how tough texturing this will be? xD

    The model is 16.6k tris, there's hidden shit floating around.

  • Titus S
    I need 8k more tris :P

    The mesh is now done :P Time to kick my ass texturing :)

  • Kwramm
    Offline / Send Message
    Kwramm interpolator
    nice adaptation. I was like "this reminds me really of the hagia sophia" and then I saw your inspiration is the blue mosque, which is just opposite. Been in Istanbul a few weeks ago so you definitely hit the right shapes here :)
  • Titus S
    Kwramm wrote: »
    nice adaptation. I was like "this reminds me really of the hagia sophia" and then I saw your inspiration is the blue mosque, which is just opposite. Been in Istanbul a few weeks ago so you definitely hit the right shapes here :)

    Nice man, I'm glad you got Blue Mosque from it. As you can see, I kept the main structure shape / silhouette and added a ton of Naboo designs to the structures. I'm jealous that you had the opportunity to go there :D it's so damn astounding how these simple shapes can make awesome architecture.

    Isn't Hagia Sophia right next to the Blue Mosque? Also thanks for giving me a building to add to my reference, Hagia Sophia looks a lot like it, but has nicer arches :)

    Take care
  • Kwramm
    Offline / Send Message
    Kwramm interpolator
    actually I just saw it says Blue Mosque in the thread lol. Didn't see it when I first followed the link.

    and yes, Hagia Sophia is right opposite the Blue Mosque. There's a small park between them. Was my first time to Istanbul. Very exciting and bustling place and so much to see. Very good food too...only drinks are a bit on the expensive side, but overall it's just an awesome city to visit.

    You might also want to check out Greek and Byzantine church designs. The Hagia Sophia used to be a Byzantine Church. And on the Hagia Sophia most mosque designs in Turkey are based on. Almost all feature one of those domes that can also be found in Greek churches.
  • Titus S
    Kwramm wrote: »
    actually I just saw it says Blue Mosque in the thread lol. Didn't see it when I first followed the link.

    and yes, Hagia Sophia is right opposite the Blue Mosque. There's a small park between them. Was my first time to Istanbul. Very exciting and bustling place and so much to see. Very good food too...only drinks are a bit on the expensive side, but overall it's just an awesome city to visit.

    You might also want to check out Greek and Byzantine church designs. The Hagia Sophia used to be a Byzantine Church. And on the Hagia Sophia most mosque designs in Turkey are based on. Almost all feature one of those domes that can also be found in Greek churches.

    Nice man, thanks for the tips :)

    I also found that Naboo was shot at the "Plaza de Espana" and was using that to a certain extent.

    Thanks for the help again :P
  • Paulewog
    Offline / Send Message
    Paulewog polycounter lvl 8
    nice work Titus, modeled that fast. I would love to see some closeups with and without wires.
  • Titus S
    Paulewog wrote: »
    nice work Titus, modeled that fast. I would love to see some closeups with and without wires.

    Haha, tomorrow in class I'll show you :P I'll save this thread of embarrassment.

    UPDATE: Trade federation crate I made... Thanks to Racer445 for the bad ass tutorial found here... http://www.game-artist.net/forums/spotlight-articles/9178-tutorial-texturing-metal-crate.html

  • bounchfx
    heh, I was just at the Blue Mosque the day you posted this thread! I took some photos myself that I should have online when I get home next week, but most are from the inside and I'm sure it's not difficult to find plenty online. the thing is freakin' unbelievable. I went to Ai of Schaumburg myself so I'm looking forward to seeing this one completed... keep it up.
  • Kwramm
    Offline / Send Message
    Kwramm interpolator
    Here are some of the pics I took in Istanbul, maybe they're good for reference: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29075182@N08/
  • Titus S
    Some new work... I've been kicking my ass with this class and also learning a lot too. A lot of it looks mediocre I know, the problem is I don't really know how to make it look better other than mentally fixing it. So if anyone has some pointers, I won't shoot it down.

    The back of the ship looks bad, it's not going to be seen by the player only when they're flying in their jet. So...


  • garriola83
    Offline / Send Message
    garriola83 greentooth
    great stuff titus, as for feedback, i think a lot of the environment assets you have just lack a bit of specular. look forward to seeing more from you.
  • EmAr
    Offline / Send Message
    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    I've visited this place many times but seeing this adaptation made me look at it once more :) Nice idea and execution so far.

    And guys, next time you visit Turkey, pay me a visit too so I can steal your skills.. I mean we can share knowledge ;)
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