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[Portfolio] Gavin Stevens, Texture/Model Design

polycounter lvl 18
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odium polycounter lvl 18
Hey guys, first of all let me just say that I've kinda avoided a portfolio for a while now as I've never really thought my work was much good, and while I still don't exactly have faith in my skills I figure its time to actually knuckle down and get a portfolio online.

Can you give it a look over, and see what you think, both in design of the site as well as the content?

Also, a quick point I sadly feel I have to make... You will notice a light water mark on some images. A lot of the art is over a year old, and all of it is what I've created for the OverDose project. Now, let me just say I HATE stealing art, and people that do it. Can't stand it. If you want to design something from scratch based on something else, cool, but don’t just steal the assets, that’s wrong. Because all the media is on our public SVN, a lot of it has... How can I put this... "Walked about"? I'm not the best artist, granted, but that doesn't mean it doesn't annoy me when I see somebody else had stolen my work :( And I've had to send a few mails off before to people who have done such. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is all my art you see here is 100% from scratch, nothing is anybody else’s work, so if you spot something and think "I've seen this before?" and it’s the same asset then please let me know, thank you. (Does that make me sound like an asshole…?)

Anyway enough blabbering... Here’s the link, flame away! :p



  • acapulco
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    acapulco polycounter lvl 9
    Sweet looking!

    What engine is the environment work done in?
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Thank you.

    Its the OverDose engine, its based on Quake 2, but its a lot more advanced than Doom 3, so you get all the usual stuff like spec and normal, but also per pixel lighting and shadow mapping, tone mapping, hdr/bloom, you know, the fancy bells and whistels, all those random letters big companies like to throw about these days :p
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    odium wrote: »
    (Does that make me sound like an asshole…?)

    someone sounds guilty... ;)
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    Since then, I've begged, borrowed (but never stole) as much information as I could get my grubby little hands on so that I could learn the various ways of game art and development

    man you're all about not stealing shit.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Mate, I've been around a while, and I've known of some really shady tactics... Worst of all was a russian game that had like, 200 of my textures in, and was sold at retail and everything...

    I just hate art theft, it stinks, and its at its worst when its a sneaky ruskie who you cant do sod all about...
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    nice work dude, your site looks good.
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    Ah man they stole your shit then put it in a game they sold?! that's really wank... anyway nice work : ) I know all this work is for Overdose but I think some variety wouldn't go a miss! at the minute you only have doom n gloom sorta industrial stuff, so yea some colours and different settings would be cool to see :) you obviously got le skills to make assets! so it should be fun!

    anyway good stuff
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah I have done some low poly DS spec work, it was odd because I had to use colours... I mean... COLOUR? Wheres all the rust! But it was fun to work with such limited restrictions :) May get some of that stuff up too :p
  • Shiraz
    The scene from overdose reminds me a lot of the start of the 2nd level of blood harvest.
  • zerafian
    What made you decide to remake Enemy Territories Fuel Dump alliance start point?

    Doesnt look bad, I would suggest closer shots though.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Shiraz wrote: »
    The scene from overdose reminds me a lot of the start of the 2nd level of blood harvest.

    Never played it/heard of it :s
    zerafian wrote: »
    What made you decide to remake Enemy Territories Fuel Dump alliance start point?

    Doesnt look bad, I would suggest closer shots though.

    OverDose is a free game thats pretty much RtCW in next gen clothes. We didn't really like the direction ET:QW took sadly. But more a reimagining of the setting, quite different. It just fits the gameplay perfectly, plus shows off the engine.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Not bad :)
    For me, it feels like some of the textures lack contrast. Also for example the wood shack building - the plastic crates in there are SUPER clean, as well as the tire. The 3 metal cabinets are also identical -maybe make another one that's dented up? Or use some decals to break up the obvious clones?
    Nice work though!
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Vassago -

    Which textures do you feel express a lack of contrast most of all?
    Never really thought of the plastic crates being super clean but I will look into that :p The tyre is an old asset in need of re-working though :p
    As for the 3 metal lockers, they are not actually the same. One is closed, one is slightly open and the other has a missing door which has fallen off. There are two that are the same mesh, but I figured with the way they are stacked maybe that wouldn't be an issue. If your eyes picked up on that so easily I'll certainly re-think the placement and/or repetition of the the texture.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Hey man,

    Great stuff your texturing and modeling are top notch, if i may ask what kind of position are you looking for in the game industry it would help me give you a better crit.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I think at this stage, I'm best off as either a UI designer or texture artist as thats where I feel best at home. Modelling is still second to texturing for me and an area I need to improve upon greatly.
  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    I really like the texture's overall look and execution, but the gloss seems to be too strong / hard. It looks too much like plastic because of that.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Personally if i was hiring for UI design id like to see it working like the main menu for OVERDOSE id like to see a little Vimeo HD video of that.

    Also do not make your first page of your portfolio the about page, you should make the first page the UI/2D page if that's what your looking in getting into, if someone wants to know anything about you they'll click on your about section.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Hey! You have some good work in your portfolio Gavin. Modeling, textures, even lighting and atmosphere looks good. However nothing in your folio stands out at all. I would rather see way more complex models, like maybe super ornate architecture, crazy sci-fi machines and vehicles. These are the things that will catch an AD or art leads eye at a AAA developer. If you can make some crazy awesome model we then know you can make something really easy like a concrete road block or a wooden cable roll. These simple models should take the average production modeler only a few short hours to complete. Expand your horizons and challenge your self.

    At this point you may find you like UI work. If that is the case I would focus on this and make some really stunning UI designs and drop the models / textures. Last thing you want to do is confuse a potential employer as to what your primary focus is.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I second getting rid of the about page, it's just extra unnecessary clicks, and I think for employers its really annoying. The other thing that sort of bugs me is the fact that you have almost too much stuff on your site. It's great that you have done so much work over the years, but it's difficult to pin point your specialty.
    Like, if you want to make a move to a full time modeling position, then I would highlight the modeling section of your site in some way, and so fourth.
    Currently I feel your site lacks focus, but congrats on having so much professional work and being multi faceted.
    Anyways, I'm interested too in hearing what your intensions are employment wise, and good luck in whatever you decide.

    [edit] Oh, and I don't mean totally get rid of the about page, but just don't make it your index
  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    I'm going to have to second Cojax and Brad's post. Pick a primary focus and take us to that page first. Everything looks good but nothing stands out. With your 3D and texturing everything looks fairly clean and that may be an overal style choice for the projects you've been working on but it makes things kind of boring. You seem to be good at everything you've done and have the fundamentals down but make something that will impress wether thats 3D work or UI work push it make it better than good make it awesome.

    Hopefully these posts give you a better idea of what you want and need to do.

    Good luck you got potential.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Heya Odium, I did a little mockup here:


    Starting with the lockers, of course they're going to have the same texture - they're the same prop pretty much. Which is a good thing. But the texture has some very identifiable markings on it, so when they're stacked next to each other like that, it's REAL obvious. A few decals here can go a long way to make that look really great

    The milk crate isn't so much too clean on it's own, but in relation to it's environment, it looks brand new. With all of the dirt, rust and filth on the other objects, it looks a bit strange having a rather clean crate. I think a bit more mung (at least around the bottom edges) would help a lot.

    The wood texture here is one of those places where I feel there's not enough contrast. Now, I can't see the raw texture, so maybe it's just the scene lighting, but it falls very flat regardless. There's a lot of wasted tonal range in the image, so if it is just the lighting, it's failing at it's job.

    Overall though it's nice, clean work. Just a few touches and I think it'll be swanky.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I don't get how lockers would ever end up like that (2 against the wall, then space between 2 that got tipped over?
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    the textures on your texture page are all very nicely done
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    HAL: Thats likely because of the lighting set up, they were in a temp map with a light right in front of them.

    ae.: I'll look into changing the order of whats loaded when, but as for the UI video there are a few videos on the tube of you, which can be found liked on the OverDose site.

    Cojax:/BradMyers82: I have to say I don't agree. I've seen portfolio sites with far, far more content that people here have said are fine, content wise. If antyhing, I don't think I added enough variation, and maybe not even enough renders. However, you have to understand that I'm pretty much the only artist on a full scale game. One artist. We do have Mo, who is a modeller and helps me/the project out a great deal, but of the few THOUSAND textures, remember thats me. The UI, is me, the design, the scripting, the materials, the levels, the art... Its all one guy, and thats me. So while you may think that its all a "bit much" and that you can really put your finger on what I do, thats simply because I do pretty much everything. of the some 3,000+ files in OverDose so far, I've created roughly 98% of them. So its fair to say my portfolio shows a lot of different areas, but thats because... I "DO" a lot of different areas :p

    Wilex: That sounds a bit insulting, to be fair. Saying it all looks boring and plain isn't exactly a crit, its an oppinion. In a world dominated at the moment by first person games with rust on every square inch and dirt in every crack, would that not suggest that my stuff shown there is, well, bang on? I do think the portfolio needs more variation, and I'm going to get my DS stuff on there to give some contrast. But when your working on a game with a set design, it stands to reason that the bulk of stuff I do will most likely be for that design style.

    Vassago: Perfect, thank you very much. I'm feeling a bit ill atm, head ache :( But I'll certainly make the suggested changes. I already just remade the plastic crate model/uv's and will do the texture likely tomorrow, plus work on those lockers and change them up as suggested. As for the floor, I've NEVER liked it, it was madea few years ago and has always look like a blurred mess, so it will be lovely to have a reason to re-make it tomorrow, heh :P

    ZacD: What...? An object that can be moved anywhere, any time and you dont understand how it can be in a position thats not out of place at all...? I could understand if they were doing something not possible in real life but what I did there was perfectly possible.

    Autocon: Thank you.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Always enjoyed your work Odium :) Great presentation on your website as well!
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    good range of work, i agree with what others have said about everything being good but nothing being amazing.

    and i totally understand what ZacD says about the lockers, yes it is "physically possible" that they could be like that, but it just looks completely unlikely and unbelievable as a result.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    MoP wrote: »
    good range of work, i agree with what others have said about everything being good but nothing being amazing.

    and i totally understand what ZacD says about the lockers, yes it is "physically possible" that they could be like that, but it just looks completely unlikely and unbelievable as a result.

    maybe if one fell forward and one was leaning over the gap where the other one was, I don't know, just playing around with ideas.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Woot! Good stuf od.

    There's a couple of things that came to mind while viewing your seperate pages. As Brad mentioned, there is a lot of work being shown here. And he's right. As a portfolio page, there is just too much content being shown.
    From your textures page, I'd take out half of them. The ones that aren't as interesting, or not as good as the others. Then I'd probably take out half again. Show the best of each type of texture you have. Here's a screen to show what I mean.


    You want to show the best stuff you have, and not overdose on the amount of things you've made for this game.

    Could definitely use more variety, and some better list shots of the models. They're pretty dark/hard to read with the bright normal maps next to them.
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Odium, good looking stuff, I'm ejoying it. I like the 3rd indoor scene the most.

    The texture work is good as well, but as it has already kinda been said; The specular is a bit to high on some of them, especialy on the brick-in-the-mud one. They look a bit wet/plastic-ish.

    Also I feel like you're losing some of your low/mid-level details in your normal maps, I noticed this the most in your wooden planks texture.

    Oh and, none of the stuff that is posted here should insult you. If it sounds like an insult, or even if someone actualy tries to insult you, you should pick out the useful crits from the sentances and use it to your advantage and make your art even better.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    Xenobond, what do the different colors mean in your paint-over?
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Nothing, just seperate passes. Red X's were the first pass, then the Orange marks were made when comparing the remainders.

    X's n O's should be pretty self-explanatory.

    I hope. -,-
  • Unleashed
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    Unleashed polycounter lvl 19
    imo you should post some videos of like a short walkthrough of the areas, Im sure things will look even more impressive in motion. I also agree with everyone else, stuff looks really good but theres no focal point or interest to the particular screenshots. I know your going for more ui/texture artist but I cant help but judge from a enviro design standpoint.

    I would also consolidate the modeling/texturing into the enviroments page, ie you click the thumb on the environment page which takes you to say the locker scene, and underneath the ingame screen will be the breakdown for the objects in the scene(lockers, crates, floor etc).

    good luck
  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    Hey Odium, I'm sorry I came off as being insulting. That’s not my intention I was trying to keep my post brief. I have some more time so I’ll try to explain my reasoning better.

    You obviously have a lot of talent and from reading your posts and checking out the overdose website. From what you said it seems like your doing somewhere around a third to 50% of the work on that project maybe more.

    Your portfolio website show's you’re a jack of all trades which isn't really the best thing. The purpose of your portfolio is to get you a job isn't it? What kind of job do you want? What would be your dream job at a game studio? You have listed as the different sections on your site UI/2D, Texturing, Modeling (Probably should be listed as props it implies that you only modeled the pieces you did texture them as well didn't you?) and Environments. Pick one because frankly at the moment I don't think any one section is strong enough to get you a job offer for that specific position. I don't really see any job postings looking for a jack of all trades game artist. Check it out http://www.gamasutra.com/jobs/board.php?category=3

    So pick a focus and go with it you have talent in all those areas but pick one and take it from not bad to awesome. I think Xenobond did a pretty good job of picking out the better pieces of your portfolio but even still. The work shown just says generic realistic fps prop or texture or environment. I could see these props being in any realistic fps but I wouldn’t remember them. They don’t tell any story they don’t say this is from the Overdose universe. I could see all those props put together into a compilation shot and that’s about all I need to see of them. Yeah they may be good props you have the fundamentals down now use them to make something worth looking at for more than 2 seconds. Your props feel like filler props. Which every game has but don’t make the bulk of your portfolio about filler. Show me your trophy props something complex that shows you’re not just a mindless filler prop making machine something that tells a story says this is the Overdose universe!! You’re better than just making filler props man and game environments are more than a collection of filler props.

    A few people have mentioned your stuff being good but not amazing check out this article it’s kind of what we’re trying to get across here.

    Adam Bromell (Environment Artist: The Story Teller) Setting up your scene

    That’s my opinion take it or leave it. I’m not trying to be insulting I’m just sharing what I believe to be true about portfolios and landing a job in the industry. Hopefully that explains things better. You got the skills Odium it just looks like you’ve been stretched thin and I feel quality stands out over quantity. Focus on the aspect of your work that you enjoy the most and I’m sure you’ll get the job you want. Best of Luck!
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    You'll have to excuse me, I'm pretty much ready to dump the site/work atm and just get rid. I was going to implement a lot of changes but after reading Q3W's pretty harsh response to it all and all the comments about how none of it is any good/relevent has kind of annoyed me. Coupled with the fact I had some bad newx this morning + the fact that I've honestly seen portfolios with 10x less content and in a worse way that have landed people jobs at major companies and you can understand my heads a little all over the shop. The plan was to pretty much condence and merge a lot of things as well as change the presentation, get rid of a lot of scrolling/clicks, and pretty much just present a lot of it. ATM, with the comments I've had mostly from Q3W, I think I'll just get rid of it as its doing nothing but making matters worse for me.

    Anyway, I'll go get a cup of tea, or about 40, have a relax and give it a good old think over.

    Thanks guys.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Wait, you actually listen to people from the Q3W forums? I thought that place was a haven for trolls and spammers for the past 3-4 years at least?

    And, uh, you value people's opinions from Q3W, an ancient gaming site overrun by idiots, higher than people from Polycount, a site where the user base has many professional game artists?

    You've made it pretty clear that your "head's a little all over the shop" just by that logic alone...
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, lol, well you can get a letter from the Queen telling you that your penis is 17 inches, and you can get a letter from the local street shop owner telling you its 3. Which sticks in your mind.

    Daft logic is logic to a daft person :p Quack.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Also for the whole "Spec map makes everything look plastic" comment or whatever it was you guys said, I *THINK* its due to my lighting set up in the test map. With a little tweaking, I got better results, so I'll re-do the shots to the ones that should stay up. Its not easy to light a surface uniformly without sticking the light in a place that gives off shitty spec :p

    Heres an example of the new lighting:


    EDIT: I didn't want to post another post bumping the thread...

    I've just changed the entire textures page and layout. It doesn't display as much info, doesn't have as many textures etc. I took xenobonds advice and removed some of the more poor textures, but I did ignore him on a few, but thats just for my own mind really. I added a few new ones, but most of all kept the count at 12 displayed and decreased the screen space by as much as possible.

    Give it a look over and see if this is better or worse than before, if so I'll make the changes else where that have been suggested.

    EDIT2: Also of note, notice I remade every "large" pic as well to display the textures with much more natural lighting.

    EDIT:3: Got bored so changed the modelling section as well. I think the new icons and over all asset count is much better now.
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    Dude, nice folio. You have come a long way since I looked at your work last. I would suggest you take your enviro screens with some AA, I know the engine has it so get some going to smooth things out a bit.
  • Wilex
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    Wilex polycounter lvl 16
    Keep your head on straight man. It looks like you're already headed in the right direction. I think the new layout for your pages is where you want it to be. You should still title yourself for the position you want I think game artist is still too general. It looks like you've chosen Texture artist based on your new index page. That’s good you have a place to focus.

    This texture looks better no more shiny plastic feel but It seems like a bit of a waste of texture space to leave a black hole on it. Why isn't there broken concrete and exposed rebar? The hole doesn't make sense out of context it may be covered in game by a rubble pile but leaving a black spot probably isn't the best idea. Overall I would say your textures need more detail. Your last 3 I like the most the sci-fi door? and the flags and banners. Some of the tiling ones are just too simplistic. The diamond plate and the white brick wall I feel like I could make those fairly quickly from a few photos. Try to add more interest to them or don't display them alone not without a scene. It's not the best show of your talents I would say.

    So kick it up a notch. Check out this tutorial maybe it will give you a better idea of what I’m talking about. Keep it up man don't throw in your hat over some critiques you don't like. Everyone gets some rough critiques especially when they're trying to get started and get their foot in the door.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Since I removed any info about the textures, its hard to tell what things are, but yeah those plaster walls of obviously alpha tested surfaces. Heres an example from a very rough sdk map to show how they are used:


    Just not 100% sure how I can get this message over, if you get me...? O_o
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    Odium, I think you are right, It may be the lighting that made things look a bit like plastic. But it may also be the detail on your normal maps combined with your spec. May I ask what your process is for making your normal maps?

    I really really like your diffuse textures, tho the detail in them get lost because of your normal map, or as you said, perhaps because of the light setup.

    I tried to illustrate what I meant by low and mid level details in your normal maps, I personaly always try to stay away from the higher level of details in my normal maps, to make them look a bit sharper. This is a personal 'taste', so I'm definately not saying that it is the correct way or anything :).
    Here's the image:
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not to sure I can agree with that osman, not to the extent maybe you think I should? The normal maps you have created are so noisey and pixelated they just wouldn't look good in the engine, never mind anything else? Care to show an example of what they look like? They look very "nvidia normal map filter default output" to my eyes...? Remember that wall wasn't just put in a filter, it was modelled.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I don't like bumping topics, but osman can you show me your normal map, or at least how you mean in terms of what it looks like? To "my eyes", it looks very pixelated and bumpy, almost too sharp, but that may just be me and everybody else may think otherwise :s
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    I dont think I have the normal map output of that saved, it wasn't really meant to be better, just to illustrate what I meant by low/mid details. My example produces this noise, because I've used your diffuse as my base. I dont usualy do that, because then every value-difference will be counted as an height difference, and so you get this bumpiness. So yeah, it's only meant to show what I meant by a bit more detail in the low/mid ranges.

    Wish I could explain it a bit better, but If you look at the cracks in your diffuse, they're tiny. And in your normal map, they look much wider and softer.

    But anyways, I see your point, I hope you see mine, let's not derail to much, keep up the good work.
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