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Approaches to roofing tiles

polycounter lvl 8
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danshewan polycounter lvl 8
Hey guys,

I'm modeling a building, and the time has come to deal with the roof tiles. The building is a classic example of Asian architecture, and as such I'm wondering the best way to tackle the distinctive roofing tiles.


The asset is intended to be a player-accessible environment piece within Unreal, and because of this I'm hesitant to simply apply a tile texture to the roof areas, given the player's proximity to the surface. However, due to the instantly recognizable shape of such tiles, modeling them out even instanced at the lowest possible resolution is creating a real challenge for my machine to handle. Plus, I don't want to create additional headaches when it comes to bake the normal / AO maps.

Any suggestions as to ways I could recreate this kind of roofing?


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    What's wrong with something like this?


    Make that a modular size, in sections - you can make corner bits (interior and exterior angles) and maybe a variant section which is damaged or different. Then you can just snap them together in the editor.

    Bake some nice highpoly roof tiles down to that and it'll look fine.
  • danshewan
    Offline / Send Message
    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks, MoP - modular sounds like the way to proceed!
  • BHJ
    aye - I'd go with MoP's approach and then add a set of tiles to the edge of the roof to add form and variance if you have the polys to spend.
  • madalinia
    Whilst he does the odd labour job, like roofing,tiling, house decor to make ends meet - he approaches you and tells you he has been given a once in a life time oppertunity to take on a BIG FIGHT.

    The 'BIG FIGHT' is against the current world unification belts holder (meaning he holds ALL the belts in his division !), a somewhat mentally unstable man.

    He has earned the nick name 'the Widow Maker' , and he didn't earn for nothing. His last opponent, one of boxing rising startlets and hot prospects was stretchered out of the ring after suffering a brain clot. This Hot Prospect's wife and kids watched in horror.
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