Hey Polycounters!
I was making backups when I found out I had saved one of my first work for the industry I made 2 years ago, so here they are!

designs for the "blorks" were done by Midam,
Sadly I didnt save the wires but they were about 1000-1200 tris each, 256x256 textures.
Sylver : Thx!
BeserK: yea the show was great, and the books are even better, I think they are still updating the series.
killingpeople : np, thanks for stopping by!
LoTekK: Thanks man !
frubes : thanks, yeah the ninja was my favorite one from the bunch
had lots of fun on this.
Nice work!
I just notice, You are in montreal? Where you work at!
b1ll: yup, Im in montreal currently working at Ubi's. btw huge fan of your works. Thanks for the kind words. EDIT: lol, pkoi j parles anglais, on est entre quebecois, travailles tu aussi a montreal?
woogity: Thanks Woog!
yayy for you keeping consistent with the design!
Merci et continue tes bon trucs!!