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Hero and sidekick project. Texture critique and improvements

I'm working a project for a class. the basis is a Hero character and his sidekick. Its based on me and a friends D&D characters, the big guy is a Human barbarian, the lil' guy is a albino gnome. Off the top of my head I made a list of the stings that stand out, I need to really push this, but could use a push myself in the right direction.

*I know i need to fix the hair on Halek, Matt's hair isn't looking bad , but could use some work.
*Cloth textures are ...well...shitty.
*Reflections and shadows need to be pushed hardcore
*Fix Haleks face, he looks so angry he's about to go cross eyed.
* fix textures that look photosourc'd, (hal's belt, rope on the planks, etc.)
*yank hal's beard braids off and reconnect them as a separate simplified piece.

Any comments and critiques would help. Thanks again.(More screen grabs can be added if needed.)

Errata, seems that I cant make attachments as my first post. Pics coming when I can.


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