Morning everybody, hope someone can help me out here as I've done a search and flipped through some threads but haven't found an answer yet.
I'm doing an art test right now and they've specified that the file should be a 3dsmax scene. since i'm a maya user i've asked about doing it in maya and then exporting/submitting in max, as i don't don't want my inexperience with max to affect the quality of the model and the time it takes to make it. I've been told that this isn't a problem but the company uses max in production so i would have to learn for the job.
So i'm wondering if anybody knows a good straightforward tut on the differences as far as terminology, important basic tools, etc. I've only spent an hour with it so far, and while it's definatly easier than getting into ZB, i'm finding the navigation really odd, and after i select a vert or edge to move, i can't seem to select another.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I switched from Maya to Max about six months ago, and though the transition was difficult at first, I'm glad I did. It took me at least a month to start using control instead of shift for multiple selections!
As for what you can do, I ended up buying Eat 3D's Max 101 DVD, which is great for an in-depth look at Max, but you're probably going to want something a little faster, right? Not sure I can help you there - it took me a while to break my Maya habits. How long do you have?
This chart helps figure out whats what in each app.
When stumped, the help files are extremely... helpful... F1!
Also don't forget to go over some of the tutorials that are included, Help > Tutorials
Lots of good info in there a lot of people miss even long time max users can gleam some knowledge from those sources.
danshewan: If I need too I'll have a look at that dvd, thanks. as far as a time frame, that would depend on getting the job really (I've got permission to do the test in maya and export it to 3ds for submission) but in the meantime all I'll be doing is getting to know max.
Justin_Meisse: 3Dbuzz looks cool, thanks. I actually used 3ds back in high school before they added the "max" but I doubt that counts the same way:(
Vig: Switcher looks great, but you're right it's probably not a good long-term solution and looks like it would end up a hinderance in the end. Something like that chart along with the intro movies and help files is pefect though. I've got a max 4 book buried away somewhere that has a 5 page "switching over from maya" chapter in it, I just don't know where it is or how much has changed since ver 4. (though my guess is very little)
You wont regret the switch man. What do you wan to know? We can give you some specific answers if needed.
Good luck!
-edit. that dvd looks really interesting too. just go under the complete series link and enjoy. Take things with a grain of salt it and look at it as what the buttons can be used for. Then experiment.
i really should have clued into the buzz unreal tutorials on my own :poly122: I have the maya ones that came with the spec ed and forgot all about em...