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conceptman polycounter lvl 10





I’m really glad to meet you guys and post my work here. Currently, I’m looking for a job such as 3D Character, Prop Modeler position. If you interested in my work, please contact me through www.conceptman.com

This work is my thesis project; title is “Heal.” I want to tell you this story shortly.

There is some fantasy world, and bad creatures conquer the world. Only one man can save the world. He just ordinary person, but he was chosen by God. He has to heal creatures to tame animals all of them. I didn’t want to make fighting, bleeding something like that.

This scene describe that he is healing boss creature to tame animal through cross and bible.

After this healing then he will be real angel.

Thank you for reading my thesis story and hope enjoy my work.

Thank you so much.

3D Modeler & Concept Artist
Danny Kang


  • Dippndots
    wow this is a seriously awesome scene, great modeling work man (those wings are sick).

    the only things that looks off to me is that the wings need to have more curvature, like they are being deformed by the air like a parachute. Also, the place where the character is holding the cross seems too wide to realistically hold it there with one hand, I would make it slightly more ergonomic.

    seriously inspirational work man
  • rexus
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    rexus polycounter lvl 17
    HOLP MOLLY looks great
  • achillesian

    or is that stuff under the monster not fire?
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    that folio rocks dude... and killer peice.

    Him holding the cross looked kindof off to me at first (hand position and stuff), not a big deal tho i guess :P

    Anyways, awsome attention to detail on everything :)
  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    Looked awesome, but the story behind if confused me... :(
  • OrganizedChaos
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    OrganizedChaos polycounter lvl 17
    Very awesome and very nice work, do you plan on texturing it as well?

    Best of luck finding a job!
  • jakelear
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    jakelear polycounter lvl 14
    The <title> of your splash page is "Untitled Document"
    and you could probably afford to lose the splash page all together.

    Work looks great though
  • Dr Stench
    Your portfolio is sick, dude!
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    You're looking for work!? F*** me... I'm screwed lol
  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    that's sick. at first glance i thought that mud splashing up from the creature was made of people :D. maybe i need glasses soon
  • joe gracey
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    joe gracey polycounter lvl 11
    vcortis wrote: »
    You're looking for work!? F*** me... I'm screwed lol

    lol seriously! When someone with this talent is looking for work, you know it's going to be a long road ahead.
  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome work, some reason I thought about an old game called LEGENDARY WINGS, for some reason.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    It's great work, but there's one thing sticking out at me I just can't ignore.

    That being, the position of his cross thing. His body looks like he's using it as a weapon, as if he could club some serious damage into that thing. But he's holding it stiff and upright like he's on a parade or holding a protest sign.

    And so I suppose my question is: Is that cross his weapon? Or is it supposed to be just some type of symbol thing that he's holding saying to the beast: "This is a cross. Look at it, in all of its crossyness. Note how it resembles the letter 'T' and beware."

    This piece looks AMAZING, I can't stress that enough. But if the cross is indeed his weapon, I'd reposition it so that it actually looks like he's swinging it.
  • KanjiTattoo
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    KanjiTattoo polycounter lvl 7
    OK, of course, I've got no critque on the modeling. Totally amazing.
    As for the posing/composition though, I can say that the warrior/angel looks a little stiff in that pose, like he's currently between actions. I'd bring the right leg up a bit more, exaggerate it a bit. Also I agree with Two Listen, the cross looks like he's carrying it as a parade banner. But even if he is simply carrying it, I think it would add action to the piece to have it angled one way or the other, or maybe have him holding it up higher. If it's like a banner, show him "thrusting" it up high, if it's a weapon, show him pulling back hard for the strike.

    But that's all I've got. Kinda like in online art school (I did AIO) where you're forced to come up with stuff to say when there isn't much.
  • conceptman
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    conceptman polycounter lvl 10
    I appreciate it many people replied feedback, critic and praise.
    Let me tell you little more for this work. This was my thesis project about nonviolence game.
    I thought we can make very exciting game without violence.

    This angel character has 2 healing tool for bad creatures. Big cross and bible. Why healing? I called healing instead of attack in my game story because he actually doesn’t attack anyone.
    As I mentioned, this scene describe that he is healing for bad creature, it’s not attack or fighting.
    This is example drawing.


    So, cross has deep meaning for me for my thesis. Hopefully, some company make nonviolence game or by myself but never boring. Personally, I also like to play violence game…..but there are so many violence games. I mean….some people love video game(including me) but some people really hate it. You know why…

    Hum…it’s too serous : )

    Anyway, it was nice talking to you guys

    Ah, can you see the small book and word “성경” ? That means bible. It’s Korean word. : )


  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I thought that might be the case.

    In that instance, then, great work! It makes a lot more sense now that I know for certain it isn't supposed to be a weapon. Other than possibly making it more dynamic, raising the right knee a bit, angling his feet a little differently to portray motion - it's all incredibly solid work. Even as is, it's an incredible piece. If for no other reason, the amount of patience it would require.

    Many cheers, and good luck in your job search.
  • conceptman
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    conceptman polycounter lvl 10

    one more shot !
  • Dippndots
  • conceptman
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    conceptman polycounter lvl 10
    It's been a long time to post work. Here's my new work ~

  • Valandar
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    Valandar polycounter lvl 18
    Wow... a necropost with an actual zombie!
  • conceptman
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    conceptman polycounter lvl 10

    Here's my new Zbrsuh work. I wanted to make organic,FiberMesh hair and hardsurface at the same time.
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