Though I'm not a newbie in 3d max, but yesterday i tried to animate a character for the very first time. I used .bip files in motion mixer. All the char has to do is simple run then jump. But i need him to run from a hill. And i just can't get him animated on the z axis. I tried to google tutorials and max's help, ut it seems I'm so noob in the field that I can't even come up with a correct search phrase.
No need to even walk on surface or any other complex kind of thing. Just simple curve for z axis would be perfect.
Thank you.
So you have a run cycle and a jump cycle and you want to stitch them together to form a run then jump?
Or ...
You have the run jump animated but its straight in a line and you need to angle it down a hill?
Pics of what you have along with pics of what you want the character to do, would be helpful. Even if its just arrows drawn in MS paint.
I can think of 3-4 ways to tackle this but I'm not going to write up each of them, it would be a few pages long. Once I get a little more info I can suggest what I think is the best method.
Here's what i got. Character used to run straight.
I kind of solved the problem, but it looks not so straightforward.
What I've done is created a path and dummy object. Created path constraint for the dummy. And then linked biped to the dummy. Therefore, I have an opportunity to edit curve how dummy object moves along vertical axis.
Works fine, but please tell me if there is another way to do that. So I won't be using this method (if it's lame).
I personally would adjust the Z curve for the root node of the biped, bip01 in bipeds curve editor. Biped has a special curve editor just for it, you'll run into a lot of problems using the standard curve editor.
- With a biped piece selected go to the Motion Tab (little Wheel) and click "Workbench".
- Click on Bip01 and turn on "controllers".
- Then adjust the curve for the Vertical Track.
That is exactly what i was looking for.