Doing a gas dock/pier/baitshop based on a concept by Dan Wheaton ( Terrain is just a quicky done with crysis terrain editor. Vegetation and terrain property of Crytek. Here's my current progress, all critiques and suggestions welcomed
I do have a nitpick though; It might be hard to see the counters from some angles, I think it would be more practical if the gas pumps would face the boats on each side of the dock.
Keep it up.
3dLee, I like the idea of the screen door, will probably add it in, thanks
I suppose if you consider it done then disregard the following comments:
It could benefit from some dirt/grime decals along the bottom edge of the buildings.
The texture tiles on the roofs are a bit obvious, try fix or break them up with more decals.
The blue tarp really could use something to hold it down.
The sky is a tad boring, maybe get a cloud formation or two in there.
Other those minor things it's looking nice.