Just got my website up.
Looking for critiques more about the website design and structure than of my work.
I'm not a web designer or anything. any and all comments are appreciated. Just uploaded so there are problems. Just trying to make it better. Thanks for the input.
Here is some back story..
graduated in april.. working at a walmart... hoping to change that.
this site will hopefully be the start to landing a job in the near future as i continue to focus on 3d in my spare time while i work a lame job and pay for Loans!
you may want to darken the background a bit.
I'd still make it viewable at default resolutions of 1024x768
When you hover your logo name on the some of the page it loads up an empty spacer.
resume is a 404.
Why so many pictures of people that aren't you on the about you page?
Spell Check is your friend.
I don't think we need to know you are working at Walmart.
The front image with the candle the plane and the clouds is very weak - ditch that and use instead a stronger one if you really want to stick with the welcome screen.
Somehow I am under the impression that your illustration work is far better as the vfx work, the vfx demoreel is rather tiny and boring. I liked the intro logo thing though.