Hey guys,
A lot of the hand painted pieces such as
Erics and
CerisierEnFleur has inspired me to get my feet wet and practice some hand painted metal and wood. I've never done it before (always been working on realism) so figured it would be great to take a stab. Here's my results .. feedback is appreciated. Thanks everyone
Viewport Shader - Xoliul
Agreed, thanks Jason
One crit: The knot in the wood on the front of the chest looks strange to me. Maybe it needs a little more love in the diffuse.
Although if this is something you are going to put on your website that is trying to get you a job in the game field I don't see why you don't put in the little extra time to optimize your chest mesh and turn those chains into alphas to make it a game ready object.
Doing little practice pieces like this are nice but when your looking for a job and your showing it on your website which should showcase your best work it gives off the wrong impression.
Think you should optimize it or take it off your website. And I didn't even notice the eye patch on the skull there till I really looked hard at it, should make that darker or have it "painted" black to make it pop more.
I am all for a hand 'pass' on normalmapped assets but I think in that case it wouldn't look to great ingame. Maybe it would work better if the normals were actually generated instead of painted. Maybe sculpt some wood plank surface on a flat plane and use that?
Interesting experiment for sure!
I'm having some problems with the skull. The chest is supposed to be stylized and hand painted, as the skull is fairly realistic. I would tweek with it's proportions abit more (the skull) and maybe give him a big cranium or something exaggerated.
also it looks like there's a piece that the skull is covering over, i see it in your texture map but dont see it in on the model. I'd say scrap that. If you arent going to see it and this is just for show, then iwouldnt even put it in. You could remove it, and you'd free up alot more texture space for the skull.
Looks good though man, that first shot looks really neat. I like it.