So we released
Rocketbirds a short while back, and I figured I'd use the down-time to start mocking up a shmup based on the characters from that game, and specifically, the circumstances in the intro. I haven't really figured how I want to handle the background (ie, whether to go for simple, parallaxing silhouettes, or something more detailed a la Aero Blaster or UN Squadron). So for now, the background and sky are somewhat placeholder.
For the sprites, I still need to go in and rejigger the palettes, since I did up Hardboiled (the chicken) with largely the same palette I used for the penguins (and you can clearly see the difference in color focus between them). Right now I'm also trying to sort out the working files, since they're a bit of a mess of layers (am I the only one that's underwhelmed/frustrated with how Pro Motion handles layers?). I'll likely have separate sprites for arms/weapons, body, jet plume, and the lighting from the muzzle flashes.
Style-wise, I'm more than likely going to stay away from any AA, except possibly some local buffer shading if absolutely necessary.
Not sure where this is gonna go, but once I get a few more assets together, I'll probably start prototyping in Construct. Whether it goes beyond prototype will depend on the bossman.
different weapons and orientations (for movement around the screen)
and a quick animation test
Did up a rocket-strapped kiwi. I'm thinking swarm-type enemy.
Flat shaded/pastel palette for the BG looks pretty good, anything too complex starts hiding the projectiles and makes it hard to see what's going on.
Can't remember if it was BioHazard battle or Rtype but I remember one old Megadrive game that had super detailed backgrounds that made it really hard to see what the hell was flying your way.
The fan art is looking pretty cool too, It'll be interesting to see where you go with it. The style reminds me of a shootem up game I did for a school project... called it Eff Bomber
cool stuff man. Just played the rocketbirds demo and that was fun.
No idea on the technical side of stuff but a little more contrast or somthing to make the chars stand out a little more might be cool... hope you post updates soon man
Glad you like the kiwi. Thinking of ways to make it slightly more over the top.
Archanex: You should post that shmup. Btw, this isn't fan art, per se; I was the background artist on Rocketbirds
Nizza: Yeah, I'll definitely be playing with the palettes as I go. After seeing some bad examples of visibility in shmups, I certainly don't want to fall into that trap.
Did up a quick AKM for fun. Still using the same palette as before, hence the red instead of orangey wood veneer.
looking at it now, it's probably quite undersized. o_O
fixed AK sizing
reminds me of one of my all time favs, flashback.
Anyways, finally hacked together a barely-there prototype. I've got Hardboiled moving around, shooting, getting lit up from the muzzle flash, and a parallax-scrolling background.
Short video
added a silly amount of shell casings
and sound for the gunfire
I think the shell casings are abit overdone though :P