I'm going to composite some high frequency normal map detail on my low frequency normal map that came out of mud box. What is the best technique to do this. Is poops tutorial still valid or is there some new secret way. Also noticed crazybump can composite normals is that good or should I just use photoshop.
Renormalize as a final step. For example I have a script that renormalizes the collapsed layers before saving to TGA.
You don't need to normalize each layer, just the result of all the layers.
What about renormalizing the texture and all that junk.
If you wanna go through the hastle... The idea Earthquake suggested works quite well. Hmm... wait you could re-normalize before you render your textures, couldn't you?
If you wanna go through the hastle... The idea Earthquake suggested works quite well. Hmm... wait you could re-normalize before you render your textures, couldn't you?
What do you mean by "re-normalize before you render your textures"? This doesn't make any sense to me.
Okay after reading 3 tutorials all describing the process differently I'm quite confused. Anyone care to post a step by step. Looks like crazy bump is definately for the win in terms of correctness of lighting but then their is an additive method as well which achieves decent results.
Just take your top normal layer, go to it's blue channel, do Image->Adjustments->Levels...->Set the output to 127. Click OK, then set that layer's blend mode to to Overlay.
Hey Ryan, I read your comparison thread, which of the hack solutions to you recommend linear dodge(additive)? I'd like to test the photoshop method and the crazybump method and see which one suits my workflow better.
I just had a play with various methods and came up with the same results a Ryan.
The closest i got was using hardlight but its still not as sharp as CB.
All the more reason to make CB a Photoshop plugin eh Ryan? :P
I can only speak for me, but I tried the xnormal normalize normal map. It ever so slightly posterized the channels, so I would get weird surfacing on curved surfaces. Barely noticeable, but still there. Just overlaying/saving hasn't caused me grief since.
You don't need to normalize each layer, just the result of all the layers.
If you wanna go through the hastle... The idea Earthquake suggested works quite well. Hmm... wait you could re-normalize before you render your textures, couldn't you?
From that thread, seems the best bet is to use crazybump to overlay various normal maps
What do you mean by "re-normalize before you render your textures"? This doesn't make any sense to me.
(But my objectivity is compromised here, so take my thoughts with large grains of salt.)
Source images here: http://crazybump.com/images/composite/
The closest i got was using hardlight but its still not as sharp as CB.
All the more reason to make CB a Photoshop plugin eh Ryan? :P