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Fantasy suggestions - Need project inspiration fuel!

Hey guys,

Since I got my first job in the industry I've had less and less time to indulge myself in personal projects here at home - this is partly due to actually having less time (overtime and other constraints that come with moving to a new city) and partly due to crashing after work; wanting nothing more than to sit back and relax with a movie or friends etc.


I really want to get some some little environment/prop/weapon projects going that I can keep myself busy with over the weekends - small weekend or so projects - stuff that I can knock out and finish and not get bogged down with; stuff that I can really enjoy.

I want to go sword and shield crazy - proper high fantasy; since I haven't really touched on the subject matter before and with my recent Torchlight and Dragon Age obsession, I'd really like to explore this with the little time I have to do personal art.

All my most commonly visited sites are of abandoned buildings and desolate places - not helpful when your looking for a dragons lair, or a gleaming hammer swung by dwarven heroes, or an outpost used by the Orcs... etc, etc. I hope you get my drift.

So the purpose of this thread is to ask felow PCers to help me with inspiration (and maybe inspire some others to work on this stuff too) by documenting links to artists, concept art, short films and random internet goodness.

I have ofcourse, and still am google searching and trawling through the insanely expansive conceptart.org, which while slightly fruitful - hasn't provided me with anything superawesome
[FONT=verdana, arial]™ yet.

So post away - anything that makes your ears point, your skin go green or your shield to... to...





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