If you do scale it up do it in whatever modeling package you use, not Mudbox. Scaling in Mudbox doesn't work for fixing those type of issues. The best way to see if your object is an alright size for Mudbox is to export a comparable primitive from Mudbox (head, cube, plane, man, etc...) and load it up in you 3D app of choice to compare.
I don't know if this is of any help in this one precise case but a word of general advice : when it comes to mud, always bring up the default box primitive and make sure that your basemesh obj (after proper reset xforms/max or freeze transformations/maya), once freshly imported, is roughly similar to the box in size. 10 times smaller or bigger is still alright, 100 times can start causing issues.
Good luck!
To get to the Near Plane setting for the Perspective camera, click the Object List tab then select Perspective camera. It's properties should show up below the Object List, just scroll down a bit. The default setting for Near Plane appears to be 1.00
Good luck!