well you currently have a blank basemesh so i have no comments on your actual work. all i could say is that i hope you bring that jaw in a little, as I don't really expect elves to look ape.
might i suggest Illidan or Demon Hunters in general for a reference?
here is a little update to get an idea of where im heading and what i may need to change, also ralusek the Illidan concept looks great, should I add horns to this guy?
Its basically really early to crit and comment to be honest.
Any particular reason why youre keeping his mouth open? Are you going to add in teeth? Cant really say anything right now
Its basically really early to crit and comment to be honest.
Any particular reason why youre keeping his mouth open? Are you going to add in teeth? Cant really say anything right now
Yea im keeping the mouth open to add some fangs and what not, Ill have an update on him later on, also I think I will add horns...
still looks a lot like the standard mudbox base mesh.. but well, as someone said it looks more like you are going for an orc from lort of the rings.. i would say that you go down a few subdivisions and concentrate on the basic forms without that uber smoothness to it...
might i suggest Illidan or Demon Hunters in general for a reference?
Any particular reason why youre keeping his mouth open? Are you going to add in teeth? Cant really say anything right now
so you're making an orc from lotr?
cool =]
Yea im keeping the mouth open to add some fangs and what not, Ill have an update on him later on, also I think I will add horns...