Hey guys, quick question that for some reason I can't seem to figure out. Is there a way in maya to turn off the pink vertex when you render a playblast? It's rather annoying and interruptive. I know that this is a forum that tends more toward the modeling side of things, but I figured I'd ask anyway. Anyhelp would be great. Thanks!
You could go to Component Mode and deselect the object?
You can hide pretty much everything in your viewport and make even playblasts look pretty sweet for showing hardware rendered results.
I just helped one of my students who had Maya enabling this for all objects in a scene every time he would open a scene. We nuked the prefs since we couldn't figure any better solution.
Anyway, select your model, Ctrl+A for the Attribute Editor, make sure you are viewing the Shape node, under Mesh Component Display uncheck "Show Vertices".
Thats the only thing comes to mind at the moment. Hope it helps.
Keep it up.
on the animation crit... Thanks! I'll def. try holding that pose pre jump - a good suggestion. Also I got rid of the ease in on the first downfall, so now it looks a little more realistic - no he's not supposed to pause before the second jump, it was more of an anticipation thing I was trying to get across, but maybe pushed a bit too far. Good catch on the sliding feet on the bottom - I fixed them on the top but didn't catch them on the bottom, I actually was meaning to post an update to this but havn't gotten to it yet.
Thanks again!