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First mudbox sculpt - Elderly orc

polycounter lvl 12
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elec²ron polycounter lvl 12
Hey guys. Spent about 3 hours on this which is really fast for me.


Just trying to learn mudbox, nothing serious. I have to say im really liking mud, the thing that stands out most is the viewport shading which is awesome. Of course there are loads of things that i miss from Zbrush but overall mudbox is great.

I was kind of expecting more plugins available by now after the sdk release but maybe studios are keeping them in house. I reckon Autodesk will just fix bugs and improve performance and leave new features to 3d party plugs, seems to be the trend.


  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not sure if you're looking for crits, but I've done a small paintover (about 2 mins with the liquify tool in Photoshop), I hope you don't mind.
    You have something good going, but you could definitely push this piece a whole lot further and end up with a really nice sculpt.

    Currently I don't see much that's orcish about this character aside from its colour and general head shape. You could elf up those ears, and maybe even throw in some protruding teeth (maybe they're broken off and chipped to break up the symmetry a little).
    You could take it even further and bring it into a 3D package (or just do some post work in Photoshop) and give him some wispy hairs along the jaw line.

    But this could just have been some messing about in Mudbox and you didn't really want to take it further.

    My paintover:
  • elec²ron
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    elec²ron polycounter lvl 12
    I really like the paint over, thats cool.

    sorry I should have said, crits are fine. I was just messing about but if you think it has potential I might develop him further in a few weeks once I finish another character.

    I wasn't going for anything too aggressive or intimidating. I was thinking a village elder, the one orc in the village who has lived to old age. Not a leader maybe a wise man/shaman or an old weapons master who trains the young ones for battle.

    I could definitely give the ears more love, more volume with thin skin and chunks missing, maybe some jewellery and hairs in the ear canal. Maybe big drooping lobes.
    I don't want teeth, I reckon orcs don't have the dental hygiene to hold on to their teeth in old age.
    Some hairs could work, maybe around extruding grisly skin growths and warts.
  • Valandar
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    Valandar polycounter lvl 18
    Impossible, everyone knows orcs don't die of old age! :P

    Seriously, not bad for a first sculpt, MUCH better than I did first time I picked up ZBrush...
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