got my home-workspace finally finished and set up!! Horray! It's been in complete disarray for months, finally got all the pieces together and set up!
I need to fix part of the shelving, need to install some brackets to stabilize it some on the right, as the support wasnt long enough to hit both studs ><
jackwhat: i have that same external HD!
*sigh* i need a new station... my stinkin' baby stole my office area... STU-pid baby....."i need some place to sleep... wah" *sigh*
jackwhat: i have that same external HD!
*sigh* i need a new station... my stinkin' baby stole my office area... STU-pid baby....."i need some place to sleep... wah" *sigh*
Haha I have the same exact external too. 700 GB WD I remember I got it on black fridays, was super cheap.
Home desk, I'm afraid I missed my awesome chair in the pic. Blergh.
From the office. Please don't laugh at the second monitor, it's just temporary.. I hope. I'm not completely settled in, need to put a couple of posters up and stuff.
aftermath, nice conversion of a kitchen to a desk When shopping for desks i was actually looking at cabinets and the like... but couldnt find any i really liked. I may end up doing something like that however for an entertainment center.
Here my workstation. I just got most of the stuff this summer; built a pretty nice i7 machine, 2x23" monitors, and then my older laptop that i primarily use to watch movies/tv while i work, haha.
Me too, so I opened the blinds just for that picture. The evil reflection spirits told me to. I just hope they aren't using this mass publicity to jump through polycount into other people's homes... better board up your mirrors and windows, just in case...
Heres my old setup:
Ill have to post the new one...
Also, you have to have the freedom of teach model AND the msoft ergo keyboard to be cool. Its in our charter.
classy digs, Adam
Got my new PC up and running
wow thats good idea to put poster like that i
Will take pics, fo sho!
and work:
*sigh* i need a new station... my stinkin' baby stole my office area... STU-pid baby....."i need some place to sleep... wah" *sigh*
My chair is sweet! actually I like my whole set up but when I don't clean up I feel way to cramped up.
Haha I have the same exact external too. 700 GB WD I remember I got it on black fridays, was super cheap.
Home desk, I'm afraid I missed my awesome chair in the pic. Blergh.
From the office. Please don't laugh at the second monitor, it's just temporary.. I hope. I'm not completely settled in, need to put a couple of posters up and stuff.
Wow, custom camouflage case monitor and peripherals. Nice! I thought that was military grade tech, glad to see civilians using it.
There are some cool cabinets & things out there!
I like your setup moose, looks really cosy
It's a 15 inch
its the mostly the leaning ceiling that does it, however, MW2 is not balanced for lean. :P
Nice matching UV-set to mouse pad.
lol never even noticed until now
and my pretty pc.
heres mine bit messy..
Bort should post his baghdad pc..
Looks like your cat is trying to fly away with his ears. Dumbo-style.
mdale: What's those bottles on top of your desk? Booze? I'm intrigued!
and yeah, my cat can fly. dumbo style.
You're jealous of the flannel table cover, I know it.
Hey, I live in Seattle, leave me alone!
Nice keyboard! You're working with the key illumination off as well huh?