Axis Revenge is going to be a class based tactical World War II first person team shooter. The key concept is based upon the famous Enemy Territory / Return to Castle Wolfenstein series and this projects special is the continued background story which gives us alot playground to develop new ideas / features upon.
A short extract from the storyline (wip):
The year is 1954, 15 years have passed since the outbreak of World War Two but still there is no
peace in Europe. Fighting in Russia and France has become a stale mate & lines of entrenched
positions replace sweeping blitzkrieg tactics.
In Germany, the July 20 plot of 1944 to assassinate Hitler had been a sucess, killing him at the
Wolf's Lair and the Military High Command took charge.
The Axis forces regrouped and under new leadership they forced the Red Army back into Russia
and halted the Allied advance into France...
I am posting this here as the engine we build upon is the open-source project Xreal (
http://www.xreal-project.net). Basically it is an advanced quake3 engine combining its fluent gameplay and feel with graphical up2date features. Most Doom3 editers will have come across these new-tech features

I have attached a few WIP concept art to tease you a bit

Our currently 10headed modding crew is spread all over europe and even Australia. Each top in his specific job. Concept Artists are drawing, alot of code was finished already and various maps are in the planning/ textures created.
But still we do need another bunch of active and
skilled artists to reach our goals within a realistic timeframe. We've kept our goals simple and clear for now and created a 7 paged concept sheet anyone interested can get access to. We are in development since October 2009.
We are mainly searching for people to fulfill the following jobs and expand our existing staff in those sections:
Level Editor (radiant)
Modeller (environment art, bushes, plants, trees,...)
But we would ofcourse not mind to get additional support in the other sections alike:
- Animator (reloading animations, character animation)
- Texture Artist
- Coder
If you are interested feel free to contact me with your reference or also just questions by one of the following ways:
MSN & Email:
IRC: /q kjell or kjelll (irc.quakenet.org)
We hope to receive some proper applys of people who can be focused on
long time commitments and are
reliable to not drop from a project 2 weeks after!
Best regards,
Kjell, Axis Revenge Project Leader