no that was my normal texture... BUT, YOU sir are a scholar and a gentleman... you just solved in five minutes what I've been sweating over for 3 hours. I dont know whether to hit you or kiss you... THANK YOU!
Lamont, do you mean make sure I don't have polys on top of each other that need to be deleted? If that's what you mean, it's not the problem. If you mean something else, could you elaborate? Thank you.:)
anyone know of some sort of hack to get setvectorparam in kismet again?
they took it away for the newest build (it's a material function)
I want to get the xyz location of something and feed that to a material parameter but don't know how anymore.
: (
Pull the node out from the previous build in the, put it in the current, and then start the app. Unless they blocked it completely. If they blocked it that way (maybe looking for the exact name), then make a new node and copy and paste the text.
Can I change settings of multiple lights at the same time? Something kinda like...the Instance function in 3ds max when you copy something....change one and it affects the rest.
I have a row of lights and would like to change the color of all of them at the same time instead of doing it individually.
Just starting out to learn about udk. Have looked around a bit, but can find anything on this slight problem. When i switch to Gameview everything tends to loose a bit of contrast, gets a bit greyer. Is this normal? Added an example of a just a skydome, no lights in the scene, just an easy material with the texture put in diffuse and emissive. Difference isn't all that big, but it changes the feel a lot.
Though I haven't actually tried it yet, I think I might have found a solution to my grass lighting problem. It seems that other people have had lighting issues with planar geometry representing grass. It appears that this guy has found a solution:
Ok so I've got this outline PPE going on, taken from this page: Outline and Crush and It looks pretty awesome. There are settings and such that I need to tweak and I also need to reverse engineer it so I could know how to replicate it (but damn it's complicated). My big problem right now is that I can't get it to work in the game viewer/in game preview. My screen is just black in those views. I've read about adding a kismet script but I have not idea what to do or how to do it. I've janked around in it with some info I got from reading here and nothing. I'm going to keep reading on the UDN and Google and see what I can find. If you guys could help me out by pointing me int he right direction or getting me started that'd be amazing.
Figured it out I believe. In the Post Process editor, on the material effect that my outline effect is plugged into, for Scene DPG select SDPG_World, or Foreground. Foreground includes the weapon too in game.
Are Kismet "Prepare Map Change" and "Commit Map Change" nodes still functional in Apr UDK?
Load from one Persistent level into another Persistent level using two seperate .UDK files with no luck. [Not streaming in levels through the Levels tab in Content Browser]
Prepare map change fires off, but commit does not do anything. Player stands in Map 1 (In editor)
PIE Error:
PrepareMapChange had a bad level name: Check the log
Log --> "PREPAREMAPCHANGE: Couldn't find package for level 'Test'"
PrepareMapChange in Kismet is showing 'green check mark' for proper connection to second map.
Package associated with map is in same directory
I have no idea how to switch from one persistent level to the next. Everything I try is failing. If anyone has any ideas that could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it!
How would I go about setting up an anamorphic lens flare effect as seen here?
I'm hoping to get it set up through a postprocess effect, perhaps through some material to blur the bloom horizontally, but I've no clue how to go about that. I could set up a unique lens flare sprite up for each piece I want it on, but messing with the bloom in Photoshop makes me hope for a postprocess way of doing it. Any suggestions?
Axios, I think that UDK has a shader or material somewhere that you can use for it. I almost want to believe you can set it up as a post process material using a shader. Look around in the packages and searches. I don't know more than that because I haven't been needing that.
My turn: I would like to ask if anyone knows how to exclude an object from a post process effect. The comments and crits suggest that my water needs to have its black lines removed. But those lines come from the normal maps and the geometry in a fluid actor. Any ideas?
I am learning up the unreal engine 3. I stumble upon a message.
"The following packages have references to the external packages:
External packages won't be found when in a game and all references will be broken. Proceed? "
How do I fix this situation, cuz other people in different computers cant open it? My packages contains static meshes, textures and a material I created on unreal engine.
Nothing major, but I figured I'd post a couple of notes on the new May UDK. By default, the HDR Tonemapper in UTPostProcess_Console is enabled, and for me this resulted in my scene being extra contrasty so that will need to either be edited or disabled to get your scene look back. Of course, you can use the color grading to even it out a bit more, but at first glance the added contrast was concerning. Additionally, there are couple of new material nodes in there as well, a simple film grain and a vignette. Not much but nice to have stuff already in place there.
Does anyone here have any experience with real time reflections? Or any reflections? I'm trying to get my water to reflect and It's driving me insane. My TextureRenderTarget2D node updates with my camera view port movement/the movement of the reflect actor (which is expected).
I have to have the view in the port real close to see any reflection. Also, the reflection Image never gets fully rid of all the green initial color. Any ideas?
This may sound stupid. But this is a more advanced engine than I previously worked with.
3d Max has
Spec Color
Spec Level
For its materials setup
UDK has only the first two.
The research I have done says to use your gloss setting as the spec level in UDK. But then how do you separate your spec level from your gloss level? They are not always connected/same.
I find it strange that adding the default colorlookup for the colorcorrection in the new UDK doesn't give you the colors your map should normally have?
also, the new UDK seems to have a much lower fps on my laptop, does anyone else have the same problems?
kaze, i asked the same question a couple pages back and got no response. My advice would be to try to read up on materials as much as you can. Try or if you want to dish out a little bit of dough like i did, buy the learning unreal technology books.
OX - Spec level and spec color are the same thing, in max the shader just does Spec Color * Spec Level, you could do this in UE before you plug in spec color if you really want but having seperate maps is pointless, you could just do spec color map * some intensity scalar
elementrix, the default color lookup looks different than before because we've changed the HDR tonemapper, it responds more like film and brings in more HDR content, it is contrast enhancing and brings in values up to 4 times brighter than "white" or 1
kaze/3dryan, make a lit translucency shader that has phong highlight and some fresnel to affect translucency, there's lots of tutorials for doing this in max and other programs, the concepts are the same.
In the new release, the parts that are in the shadow seem to be less effected by the environment colour in the lightmass settings. Did something change ?
I really don't think it got anything to do with colour grading. It's maybe easier to say what i want to achieve: I'd like to have a blue tint in my shadow parts like it would be lit by a blue sky, so parts that don't receive direct sunlight have a bit of blue tint. In the April build that worked out just fine by changing the environment colour to a blue colour.
like this:
Did this by buidling the lighting, with the dominant directional light intensity set to 0 and afterwards setting it back to 1 without buidling the lighting again, so that not a solution
try setting diffuse boost to 1, your values are really dark too, try a brighter blue and potentially turn down indirect boost on your directional light
Thanks again Jordan, it was the diffuse boost. Still weird that that totally changed between 2 builds. The blue shadow example was kinda overdone too clearly show what i ment.
AFAIK nothing has changed with lightmass in that regard in months so i'm not sure why it would look that different. Maybe the contrast enhancing tonemapper makes it more noticeable.
Yeah indeed. I was testing out those different luts for color grading and apparently they do change a whole lot. It's a pity that setting this up is kinda strange. Turning it on in your uberpost and then adding the lut in your world post processing settings or post process volume. That should be a lot more logical if it their either was a possibility tot check tone mapping in world properties or to add the lut in your uberpost. Certainly when u check use world settings, you still got to turn tonemapping on in your uberpost...
OX - Spec level and spec color are the same thing, in max the shader just does Spec Color * Spec Level, you could do this in UE before you plug in spec color if you really want but having seperate maps is pointless, you could just do spec color map * some intensity scalar
So the what I call spec level in max then is getting that from the combined greyscale value of the colored map (if rgb) in udk?
What if I had an object which had a high color spec, but would have a low specular value but high gloss? While another part of the same texture relied on something opposite (High color, high spec, high gloss)? Would I create two different materials in that case with different scalars? Then assign each to a different material ID on the original object? Is that creating overhead?
you just paint your spec color just how you described, high color but dark, or high color and bright. then use a seperate map for gloss map, black and white used as the alpha of a lerp between 2 values
Jordan, I'm trying to grasp things here, but could you in short explain to me how I can get the default contrast and colors values from UDK April back in UDK May ? Things are getting really overblown, while I had them just right in the previous version. Going back is not an option, as May improved my Speedtree performance by about 500% (thanks for that!)
That setting is off in the defaultpostprocesschain in EngineMaterials. Turning it on or off does nothing, nor does changing "Use World Settings". I can change some settings through the world properties, but there is no HDR Tonemapper checkbox there. I don't really understand what chain it is using? It's not very transparent how all of this works, lots of things referencing and influencing each other.
I did manage to get it more to my liking by using a postprocessvolume and then changing its settings, together with an LUT . Which is a nice system, great I can get it to look exactly like Photoshop, no more tweaking those High, mid and shadow values (which was a bit hit and miss for me). Still seemingly no control over the tonemapper though...
How to I toggle weapon display on/off in Play in Editor mode?
togglehud 0 in the console ?
they took it away for the newest build (it's a material function)
I want to get the xyz location of something and feed that to a material parameter but don't know how anymore.
: (
Can I change settings of multiple lights at the same time? Something kinda like...the Instance function in 3ds max when you copy something....change one and it affects the rest.
I have a row of lights and would like to change the color of all of them at the same time instead of doing it individually.
Any help, fellas?
Edit: Nevermind...I'm an idiot.
Yea I use that one to remove the hud - doh! but i never scrolled the mouse wheel to just toggle to the "physics gun" which displays no weapon!
must have used the wrong search words i guess
I know there has to be others out there that've been having this problem, so i figured i'd share. Hope it helps someone.
Example (editor view):
If you need more info/screenies let me know
Edit: I just did it, by modifying the UTPawn class in unrealscript in case others might want to know.
Are Kismet "Prepare Map Change" and "Commit Map Change" nodes still functional in Apr UDK?
Load from one Persistent level into another Persistent level using two seperate .UDK files with no luck. [Not streaming in levels through the Levels tab in Content Browser]
- Map1 Kismet--> Level Startup > Prepare Map Change > Commit Map Change
- Map2 Kismet --> Level Loaded and Visible > Teleport (to map2 playerstart)
Problem:- Prepare map change fires off, but commit does not do anything. Player stands in Map 1 (In editor)
PIE Error:Notes:
- PrepareMapChange in Kismet is showing 'green check mark' for proper connection to second map.
- Package associated with map is in same directory
I have no idea how to switch from one persistent level to the next. Everything I try is failing. If anyone has any ideas that could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it!I'm hoping to get it set up through a postprocess effect, perhaps through some material to blur the bloom horizontally, but I've no clue how to go about that. I could set up a unique lens flare sprite up for each piece I want it on, but messing with the bloom in Photoshop makes me hope for a postprocess way of doing it. Any suggestions?
My turn: I would like to ask if anyone knows how to exclude an object from a post process effect. The comments and crits suggest that my water needs to have its black lines removed. But those lines come from the normal maps and the geometry in a fluid actor. Any ideas?
"The following packages have references to the external packages:
External packages won't be found when in a game and all references will be broken. Proceed? "
How do I fix this situation, cuz other people in different computers cant open it? My packages contains static meshes, textures and a material I created on unreal engine.
As long as your packages reside there, you should be fine:)
I have to have the view in the port real close to see any reflection. Also, the reflection Image never gets fully rid of all the green initial color. Any ideas?
Go here to see it in action!!
3d Max has
Spec Color
Spec Level
For its materials setup
UDK has only the first two.
The research I have done says to use your gloss setting as the spec level in UDK. But then how do you separate your spec level from your gloss level? They are not always connected/same.
also, the new UDK seems to have a much lower fps on my laptop, does anyone else have the same problems?
elementrix, the default color lookup looks different than before because we've changed the HDR tonemapper, it responds more like film and brings in more HDR content, it is contrast enhancing and brings in values up to 4 times brighter than "white" or 1
kaze/3dryan, make a lit translucency shader that has phong highlight and some fresnel to affect translucency, there's lots of tutorials for doing this in max and other programs, the concepts are the same.
like this:
Did this by buidling the lighting, with the dominant directional light intensity set to 0 and afterwards setting it back to 1 without buidling the lighting again, so that not a solution
remove LUT from your Post volume,
take screenshot
load screenshot in photoshop
load neutral LUT as layer above screenshot
apply your changes as adjustment layers above shot and neutral LUT
select neutral lut and copy merged
save the changed lut as file and import lut then use it
that way you can adjust your color grading in photoshop
the workflow isnt perfect yet, we're still refining the feature
So the what I call spec level in max then is getting that from the combined greyscale value of the colored map (if rgb) in udk?
What if I had an object which had a high color spec, but would have a low specular value but high gloss? While another part of the same texture relied on something opposite (High color, high spec, high gloss)? Would I create two different materials in that case with different scalars? Then assign each to a different material ID on the original object? Is that creating overhead?
I did manage to get it more to my liking by using a postprocessvolume and then changing its settings, together with an LUT . Which is a nice system, great I can get it to look exactly like Photoshop, no more tweaking those High, mid and shadow values (which was a bit hit and miss for me). Still seemingly no control over the tonemapper though...