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Spline to Editable Poly issue

Hey guys,

this is probably a pretty nub question but im trying to create this logo from a spline, but when I convert or add a edit poly mod on it so i can make it 3d it adds these unremovable edges.

I tried other ways to turn the spline into a 3d object but im new to the program so im probably missing things. I tired creating another copy of the spline and then CrossSectioning the two and then converting to an Editable poly, this didnt put faces between the 2 splines. And the same steps except using surface did the opposite, putting faces on the sides but not the main face.

What can i do to fix this problem?

here's a pic of the unremovable edges (they dont appear in the same place if i unconvert and reconvert to editable poly)


  • cman2k
    Offline / Send Message
    cman2k polycounter lvl 17
    Why do you want to remove them? They are likely helping resolve shading issues.

    Max is just trying to help you. The best option is probably to add more edges, not try to remove them all and have a massive n-gon.
  • Dippndots
    Offline / Send Message
    well i would leave them, but i plan on chamfering the edges and then connecting vert's to keep everything in quads, and those lines are affecting the way the edges chamfer
  • Mark Dygert
    Offline / Send Message
    They are defining the flow of edges. You don't have quads, you have one huge multi-sided ngon. More than likely the flow of hidden edges is pretty chaotic you might want to define/create visible edges that stick to quads or make sure to flip the hidden edges around so they form tri strips.
  • Dippndots
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    i know that i dont have quads but after ive tweaked the logo, i plan on connecting vertices so its all quads. Or should I be making it all quads 1st then tweeking? The only problem i see with the latter is that those irremovable edges stay irremovable even if the geo has come quads surrounding those stupid edges

    Nevermind I fixed it, i just created to edges really close to the irremovable edges, and then deleted it and welded the left over vertices. Still dont know what caused it but w/e

    thanks guys
  • sampson
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    sampson polycounter lvl 9
    its because there must be atleast one (in this case 2) vertices connected together or otherwise it kinda doesnt know how to hold its shape.... its impossible for you to delete both as far as i'm aware
  • Dippndots
    Offline / Send Message
    thanks for the explanation, here's what i did to get around the irremovable edge, and to get on with my modeling

    I made 2 edges around it, and subdivided each face getting the 2 new edges close together, deleted the edge, and then welded each pair of vertices, win.

    I realized the main problem i was having was that i was attempting to do this in 3d instead of just the 2d converted spline
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