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Few questions about online porfolios

ngon master
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ZacD ngon master
I haven't touched web design since I was in 9th grade or so I'm kinda rusty with everything, but I was working on putting together a rough portfolio and I have some questions for you guys.

What are some of the best portfolios you've seen?
(design, not content wise)

What are some good cheap web hosts?

Do you really need a demo reel anymore?

Whats a good number of "projects"?
(I know its varies if you do characters or levels or props, so specify)

BTW I'm more of a generalist right now trying to find what I like and what I'm good at I use to do mostly mental ray stuff, trying out the game side of CG.


  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Rick Stirling's is nice maybe a little on the commie side
    I like Lucas Hardi's (DocRob) site as well

    seems like most the web hosts out there have pretty cheap plans. I'm on Bluehost and I pay $6.95 a month, they keep increasing the space so it's never been an issue.

    Demo reels are for animators

    number of projects? just put your best stuff.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    For hosting, I've been meaning to take these guys for a spin but have never seen any word of mouth about them that didn't smack of marketing speak.


    Looks pretty attractive though.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Gather the stuff you really like. If there is a shadow of a doubt for a given piece like, "huuh that part wasnt great after all", don't put it in.

    Put your files in a img folder,
    make thumbnails in a thumb folder,
    Ahref all that, done!

    Don't bother with anything complex, it would just be a waste of time.

    Think about the following. Imagine a folder on your desktop, filled with pictures from a concept artist you really like. Now imagine going through all that badass stuff with ACDSee or similar ... it's enough to feel the coolness of the pics, right? Then thats all you need for your own portfolio website!

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I hate thumbnails to be honest. I was thinking of having a general gallery in order of best to worst IMO (like 5 or so pieces), and adding links to each project either by clicking the pic or a link to see more pics of it or learn more about it. Big 750px wide images for everything, 1 column.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Oh yeah sorry I wasnt clear - I didnt mean thumbnails as in super tiny 30px mail stamps, but more like, something at least 150 pix wide, and focused on an important area of whatever you want to link to.
    OR! a rather generous scaled down version of the full final image - if your folio mostly consist of widescreen matte paintings image as opposed to project pages showing many different screenshots of 3D assets/textures/and so on.

    Good luck!
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Yea, I think the best web portfolios have large enough thumbs on the first page that you can tell you'd want to hire them without even clicking on them.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Might get a few tips by listening to this podcast : http://gim.acanaday.com/?p=93

    Also, stack of huge images can work very nice, as Paul Pepera's portfolio shows : http://www.peperaart.com/
    No clicking needed, just scroll and drool. :)
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    ZacD wrote: »
    What are some of the best portfolios you've seen?

    Rashad Redic's site is great - not a single click required. Aside from his great work on Fallout, I always remember his site because of the minimal navigation.

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Tried to throw something together, damn I'm rusty but its coming back, all the images are place holders, gotta clean it up a lot more and make it look fancy, right now it looks pretty dated.

  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    just whatever you do, keep the "whatever job title i want to write into this space"

    i don't really think it needs to look any fancier than it is right now... albeit the white is somewhat blinding me.... good presentation is a factor, but it shouldn't detract from your work. remember the work is most important.

    looking at the heading links... i'm a little confused. what's index? do you really need a gallery link? it is just confusing because at first glance, i would click the large thumbnails (call 'em what you will) before i clicked any of the heading links assuming each thumbnail was it's own gallery page. so do you really need all those up there on the heading line? what about just having resum
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    I agree with the 'bert on this one. Right now, it's too cramped. Too many links and tables taking up space that could be used far more effectively to display your work.

    You don't need a separate link to a contact page - just list your phone number and email under your name. You don't need a blog, because nobody cares. You don't need to specify that your work is from personal projects, because that should be obvious to anyone looking at your site with a view to possibly hiring you.

    I'm guessing that the 'Resume' link will take you to another page, then ask if you want to view it as a .pdf etc.... if you have to, just present your resume as HTML, with an option to view / download as a .pdf at the bottom.

    Strip it right down. Cut the fluff, and emphasize your work with minimal navigation. As it is right now, it's too distracting.
  • Mark Dygert
    ZacD wrote: »
    What are some of the best portfolios you've seen?
    (design, not content wise)
    The simpler the better. Keep your personal crap on facebook or your blog but keep your portfolio straightforward and all about your art. Keep explanations simple and don't clutter up images with lame boarders.

    In one of the GameIndustryMentor casts Canaday mentioned that portfolios before the digital age where just black books with your work tacked inside.

    This is how your portfolio should be and I couldnt' agree more.
    "A portable case for holding material, such as loose papers, photographs, or drawings." Photoshop has some ready made image galleries you can use, there is a bunch of gallery software you can normally customize. No need going super technical.
    ZacD wrote: »
    Do you really need a demo reel anymore?
    For animation definitely. For modeling and textures, probably not, higher res static images work a lot better.
    ZacD wrote: »
    Whats a good number of "projects"?
    (I know its varies if you do characters or levels or props, so specify)
    I think 5-10 as long as its your best work.
    ZacD wrote: »
    BTW I'm more of a generalist right now trying to find what I like and what I'm good at I use to do mostly mental ray stuff, trying out the game side of CG.
    Knowing MR is handy, if you've been putting shaders together that can help too, but really I don't think you should work too much on offline rendering techniques unless they can be transferred to games in some way.
  • carlo_c
    Was a bit hard to write up so just made some quick changes based on what i thought and what other people have said. It's only minor changes but I feel it just streamlines the portfolio.


    You could move the links into the center if you wanted to, I wasn't sure as that's more of a personal aesthetic I think
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Don't bother with a contact page. You can squeeze your contact info in at either the top or bottom of every page. (possibly both) It's better for your contact info to be immediately accessible to anyone on your site, without forcing them to click through.

    Keep the "shell" elements as minimalist as possible. Overblown graphics on the structure of a site show off your web-design skill, not your artistic chops. Keep the site simple, and focus on showcasing your content simply and effectively. Less time spent on dandying up your site will translate into more time spent on dandying up your work. Someone looking to hire is only going to be interested in the content. They won't care about the web design unless they are hiring you to be a web designer.

    A demo reel is only necessary when showing off animations, or large environments. (and most likely more than three or four of either) Don't bother if you only have static models that can be decently showed off with just images.

    The number of pieces is not as important as the quality. If all of your work kicks ass, then go ahead and put it all up. But if some of your work doesn't live up to the rest, don't be afraid to cut it. Your portfolio should always contain your best work. Don't be shy of culling older pieces that don't properly reflect your current skill level.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I recently switched mine to Paul's method (image after image) and don't even include my personal information, other than my name. As it stands, I'm not after a job so its not needed.

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I think having it on black helps the images stand out more, I'm still working on a few ideas how to organize the site and keep it simple, I'll get rid of the blog and stuff.

    I think I'll have 7 "image after images" but each one its own project and clicking on it breaks it down and offers more screen shots and lists the specs and props, etc...
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I feel like I'm copying too much

  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    adam: Yeah, I think the one page shows all is the way to go.
    I'm gonna have to give it a shot.
  • Mark Dygert
    I like the one page does it all too as long as it loads quickly. Possibly smaller images that link to bigger beauty shots and breakdowns if you have trouble with getting it all loaded quickly.

    It's not a bad idea to leave the break downs out of the site but have them ready to go if they ask. It might open up a line of communication.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Vig: I totally agree. I'm thinking of re-working my site now and I plan to have two versions, one as it is now, and another all on one page.
    I could make the all one page site my index and at the top have an option to switch from the "Quick view" to the "Traditional View" (traditional view being the way my site is now).
    There would be a small thumbnail showing either choice so its clear, and again, by default it would be the all one page view, or "Quick View".

    This way it's the best of both worlds, imo.

    Anyways, don't mean to highjack your thread ZacD, just thinking out loud here.

    [Edit] Oh, and Adam, you definetly inspired me to make the change to single page, awesome job with your new site. I have 3 x 24 inch monitors and stretched your site across them. It's totally sick!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    No problem, I'm sure everyone could use some ideas for their portfolio.

    I am planing to have the images link to a separate page with the break downs and keep the main page shorter. I guess whatever image quality I end up having will end up depending on the speed of the host.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    I made a single-page portfolio half a year ago and was told that it needed more structuring and different pages...

    I don't think there's one ideal kind of portfolio layout. For example, Eraserhead's portfolio works well on a single page because all his stuff kind of looks the same. If you don't like the first image, you needn't bother to scroll down, because there's little chance you'll like the other images.

    But on Adam's site, it's real easy to overlook, say, the Ben Throttle residence, which, as a piece, is a nice change of style among all the gloomy stuff.

    I'd also say that one page wouldn't do BradMyers' site a lot of good. Does an art director want to scroll through five low poly characters if he's looking for your skill as a weapon artist?

    I redid my website just this week and decided against single-page for two reasons.
    Firstly, I'm not looking for a job and I can add any kind of stuff I want. I can add as much crap as I want, the only increased loading time is a thumbnail on the index page.
    Secondly, I believe my portfolio to be pretty varied and I like to leave the option open for the viewer to view just the weapons or just the stylised pieces or the lowpoly piece.

    Disclaimer: this opinion is based on 0% industry experience.
  • ioster
    Hi - This thread is pretty old, but if you're still working on getting your site together, you can use mine. I was in that game industry mentor episode and built a template for anyone to use. You can get it along with the source files on my site:


    Good luck!
  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    hey ioster, I'm looking at your site on a netbook, and my screen is too small to display it properly, but for some reason there are no scrollbars? Might want to fix that =)!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    This was a giant bump.
  • gaganjain
    I really like Adam site load fast and viewer does't have to go after click links too...
    On other hand Tyler Wilson and Mashru Mishu sites show of main thing don't know if they use template or not...but look good from viewer point
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