I'm giving this contest a try with a game world inspired by the novel, Concrete Island, by the late JG Ballard. In the novel, the main character crashes over a freeway overpass and is marooned on the wasteland below.
The game scene I have in mind would show criss crossing freeway overpasses and wasteland below surrounded by high walls. The only sign of habitation is a shipping container style hut amid concrete blocks and rubble.
The color palette I am using is inspired by the urban landscapes of artist Jeffrey Smart and the art style of the game Mirror's Edge.
The game level I'm creating sets out to make you feel a sense of being marooned under the over arching freeway overpasses and high walls.
Here is the initial concept art.
I have now started modelling the environment for Concrete Island.
Here is an example of the reference art I have been using.
I'm a fan of the urban landscapes of artist Jeffrey Smart. His art style would look great in a game world. I like the vivid colors he uses set against the grey concrete of streetscapes and monuments.
My first modelling task has been to scale the environment as accurately as possible. Thus I have researched the size and dimensions of major structures such as the freeway overpasses, columns and walls.
The scale of the world and line of sight both need to add to the visual impact of the scene.
Here is a progress shot of my environment.
a further update to show you a test shot I've taken after exporting my model from 3DS Max into the Oblivion game engine (Elder Scrolls Construction Set). I've included in the scene - for now - the stock Oblivion character (with added tree) in order to give a sense of the scale of the environment.
here is a render of my 3DS Max model showing progress with texturing. This is a long shot giving the full perspective view of my environment.
This time I have a medium shot of my environment - rendered in 3DS Max. It is framed in the same way as the screen shot I hope to take after exporting the scene into Oblivion.
And now we have the corresponding scene taken as a screen shot from Oblivion. Hopefully, this is getting close to my final submission. However, you will have to wait for the shot that reveals the End Game theme...
I 've just about wrapped up all my texturing and I would like to credit a photo - by pareeerica - that I have used in creating the texture on the front wall of my shipping container hut. Thanks Paree, it's a great shot.
Here's the link back to Paree's original, "No Standing Corrugated Iron" :
I've now finished and submitted my finals! To sum up, I created the environment in 3DS Max and exported it into the Oblivion game engine.
For the UC 'End Game' theme, I 've taken this meaning from chess. I've set up the chess game on the roof of the shipping container hut. I've used construction cones to represent the final showdown between the White king and pawn vs the Black king. This happens to be one of the most common end game scenarios in chess.
Aside from the two beauty shots I submitted, here is another shot from my final selection of screens.
a final screen for you - thanks, it's been fun taking part in the challenge and I look forward to having time now to look through some of the awesome entries that are emerging out there.