I'm wondering if anyone has experience sculpting large amounts of necklaces and jewelry (Think Mr T amounts) in ZB? I'm working on a character right now that has a similar amount of jewelry as Mr T, but I'm just hitting a wall-- should I create a million links along splines in Maya then project those for a normal map, or just make a torus in ZBrush and get to sculpting the individual strands out of the major shape?
Any advice or tutorials or just examples anyone could point me to would be great. I'm starting to get burned out on this guy, I need to finish this hi-poly sculpt soon so I can move on to my next character.
Thanks in advance.
btw, photoshop really could implement a repeating canvas for texturing (as checkbox or sonmething)
this plugin is called extended duplicate, you can find it on the webs with a little poking around.
but yea id do it in maya unless its for like a comp that says to use Z
Thanks again, guys!