Hey guys,
Here is a project I've been working on over the past few weeks. A friend of mine asked if I would make him a 'machine gun' for a level he was making. Of course I said yes... so I decided upon the M-240b.
This is only the third project I've done using highpoly modeling and baking.. I think I've finally got a decent understand of how to do it properly and end up with some satisfactory results.. but I'll let you guys be the judge of that.
I had some weird issues within Marmoset of some polys not rendering for some reason, maybe someone knows what the deal might be with those?
Anyway, hope you guys like it.
Crit away
Wires and Highpoly.
Thanks Guys
The wear and tear on the gun could really use some pushing. You added lots of little dings on the edges in pretty random spots. Think about where a gun would get marks from use. Where would it get scratched and where would grease build up.
If you look at some of the guns on these forums that are from released games, you'll see that they have a lot more detail added in to them in terms of the above to get them to the next level.
You should also probably push the specular farther (more contrast) to really make those different materials on the gun stand out more.
(God, I sound like a douche saying "push"...but you know what I mean)
If yes try to invert the normal map's green channel, that might fix the black lines the mesh has atm.
e:// By looking at it I would say it definitely needs to be inverted.
As Hal and Firebert have suggested, trying flipping the green channel in your normal map (go to the channels box, click on the green channel and hit ctrl + i ) then save it out as a second copy, and then just quickly run that through Marm, i'm almost positive it'll read better.
I thhiiinkkk you did Racer's trick of running the normal through Normal2Cavity, if not though, do that... it'll help tighten up your diffuse a bit, as of right now it seems a bit blurred / undefined.
Either way man this is coming out great, going to be a solid piece to your portfolio Just push it a bit more (add those final touches / love) and you're gonna be set!
@ DnS - I agree that the scratches could be pushed a lot more. However, it wasn't my intent to make the gun look like it had gone through several wars. Patrick Svensson did a great job with his UMP 45 model (http://boards.polycount.net/showthread.php?t=65478) without adding a ton of scratches and whatnot. I was attempting to do something along the same lines. I will however go back and try rework them a bit. I agree with you about the spec... coming from a school where my teacher's ideal way of making a spec map is running the diffuse through crazybump, I'm still learning how/what makes a good spec map. I will for sure play with the contrast. Thanks
@ Kaburan - Can you be more specific about the texture? Here are some highpoly shots.
@ Hal - Those images were taken from Marmo and yes the map was rendered with Max. I see what you mean about the green.. the rivets are clearly backwards. However, on one side they are correct and the other they are not. Looking at the normal map I can see there is no difference between the two sets of rivets when there should be.. Ill have to play around with it a little bit. Good eye though, I did not notice that. Thanks for pointing that out.
@ Firebert - Thanks!
@ Jason - I did not do Racers trick.. although, I now want to. lol. Glad you like it thus far.