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Maya flow path object anyone every got this to work?

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malcolm polycount sponsor
So I have a spline and I have a model. I attach to motion path and it rotates my model 90" and then follows the path just fine. I switch the up axis so I can get my model to follow the path correctly, but when I apply the flow path object the lattice deformer gets twisted randomly as I move the time slider. Any idea, this should be straight forward if anyone can get this working with a spline and a cylinder I would really like to know how.


  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Okay so the problem is I need to center the pivot or the whole thing gets messed up, that was the missing step. But that doesn't help me since now the start of the object is not at the start of the spline. I wanted to use it as a deformer but that appears to be a fail in maya.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Nevermind I just discovered the wire deformer.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Wire deformer is alright but only good if your object starts following the shape of the curve... I find that a bit fiddly sometimes.

    It seems like Flow Path Object is dodgy like Max's Path Deform WSM modifier, if everything isn't aligned right when you set it up then it can go a bit crazy...
  • Mark Dygert
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    MoP wrote: »
    It seems like Flow Path Object is dodgy like Max's Path Deform WSM modifier, if everything isn't aligned right when you set it up then it can go a bit crazy...
    What kind of problems do you have with Path Deform WSM? I use it quite a bit, it behaves like expected. Regular Path Deform is a bit buggy but the WSM version is fine.

    If you scale your object and don't reset scale before applying it to the path there is a good chance it will distort oddly as it moves along. Reset scale and reapplying the object will fix this.

    If you're local pivot point is facing a crazy direction for some reason it might not look down the path like you want.

    Making changes to either of these things while it is applied to the path may not fix the issue and could make things worse.

    Trying to detach an object that has been moved to the WSM normally will have its pivot and position altered. It is for this reason you probably want to use an instance of the object instead of your original object, that way you can make changes or reapply without trying to reset your object.

    Hope that helps.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I understand all that stuff Vig, it's just that sometimes I wish it wasn't quite so fiddly, requiring everything to be set up perfectly before you attach it to the path, otherwise you end up having to remove the Path Deform, fix the orientation/scale/reset XForm, then re-apply the Path Deform. Seems like you should be able to deal with all that even after setting the Path Deform... oh well :)
  • Mark Dygert
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    Yea, I wish that too...
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Well at least you guys get the object to start at the path, I can't even use the tool to deform since the pivot point has to be centered.
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