Just came across these looking for something else (as is always the case on the interwebs), and thought they were definitely worth posting.
Some of these tattoos are really inspirational, considering the disadvantages some of the people had to go through before they got 'em, and it got me thinking about tattoos generally.
Anyone here got some inspirational ink? Designs they've got waiting until they can afford / find the right artist?
Personally, I'd love to get a portrait of my Mom over my heart by Kat Von
I've never seen such incredible portrait work by any other tattoo artist. I've said before that we're moving back to the States in the next year, and I'll say right now that I'm going to get that ink done by Kat, and post it back here when we get there.
Got ink?
You just want to get touched up by Kat. :P
I've seen a man and woman getting tattooed on the same spot on their chest at the same time, and the dude was about to cry and the girl looked like she was getting her nails done.
Those are cool tats you posted.
Back on-topic, like womens' pain thresholds were ever in any doubt. I first saw Kat's work on a DMAX show called Miami Ink, seemed like every episode they'd have these teeny cheerleader-type chicks in and they'd take these huge, multicolored tattoos like champions.
I do remember this one really skinny guy getting this seriously impressive portrait done over his entire ribcage based on a portrait he stole from his Dad (who'd said he couldn't have the painting as his inheritance because he didn't agree with his lifestyle or something), and he didn't even fucking flinch.
If anyone can find an image of that guy's tattoo, you win the internet - it was that awesome.
Are we talking horns, fangs, split tongues, or cyborgization? Transhumanism for the win.