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Not really technical, what kind of chair do you use?

polycounter lvl 14
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Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
Really sore around the tailbone area. Where the ass crack begins I guess. Comes and goes quite often. There is, on some occasions, some more grossness that accompanies this but I'll leave that alone.

Just wondering what kind of chairs people are using at their PC's? I'm sporting a cheap $20 chair from Target at the moment.


  • Mark Dygert
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    Junkie_XL wrote: »
    Really sore around the tailbone area... I'm sporting a cheap $20 chair from Target at the moment.
    Yep that'll do it. If you're in the arena of cheap, get an exercise ball. After you get done strengthening your core to be in that position for 8hrs a day they work great and sitting in a chair even the cheap ones is easy.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Get one of these. They're awesome.
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    Vig wrote: »
    Yep that'll do it. If you're in the arena of cheap, get an exercise ball. After you get done strengthening your core to be in that position for 8hrs a day they work great and sitting in a chair even the cheap ones is easy.

    How dare thee rip into my posture. Actually yeah it is pretty poor though.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Get one of these. They're awesome.
    And you get to wear a tiny cowboy hat!

    Junkie, I was half kidding, but I used one for 2 years, it was one of the most comfortable things I have used to sit on (after I got used to it). I stopped because they bought us new chairs at work that where just as comfy but lately I've been thinking of going back to the ball.
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid polycounter lvl 10
    Man i cant even picture somone working at a games company sitting on a big fluro ball?

    Didnt people give you shit about it?
  • Eric Chadwick
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    They're all over the place here, at least four programmers have them. Kinda fun actually. I don't see people sitting on them often, I think only one coder was on his every day.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Muzz wrote: »
    Man i cant even picture somone working at a games company sitting on a big fluro ball?

    Didnt people give you shit about it?
    How can you not? It sparked a alternate-chair-experimentation-craze, that lead to management thinking we where all so uncomfortable they had to buy us new chairs.
    "My gawd look that guy is sitting in a ficus!?"
    "It's actually a swing he hung from the ficus"
    "Lets switch coffee companies and get some new chairs"
  • Rens
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    good times vig \o/

    i uhmm, my chair is expensive as fuck, and i dont even know what type it is..
    i went inspector gadget on it, and did not find a logo or any trace of manufactur xD
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Right now I'd love to sit in a chair with a back... and a real desk and not a window. Hard to sit and work for hours in this position. I used to sit on the floor.

  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    Rens wrote: »
    good times vig o/

    i uhmm, my chair is expensive as fuck, and i dont even know what type it is..
    i went inspector gadget on it, and did not find a logo or any trace of manufactur xD

    Is it one of these?

    I seen Jesse talking it up one time. Not really in the market for a $1300 chair. I guess it's all about the "Lumbar" support. Isn't Lumbar the name of a character in Office Space?
    Lamont wrote: »
    Right now I'd love to sit in a chair with a back... and a real desk and not a window. Hard to sit and work for hours in this position. I used to sit on the floor.


    Actually this looks comfy. I've been working on my knees for the last couple of days I'm so sore. Put a backing on this and I'd shell for one.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    What, you're Lisa Simpson now?
    j/k it was free shot, and I took it.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    There was this programmer at Sony who stood up and worked. The chair/back specialist said it's better that way.

    @ Junkie_XL. The knee-rest isn't that hot, it hurts after a while. Find one with good padding.

    @ Cholden - I think that's from the "They saved Lisa's brain" episode when she writes her letter to the editor.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    I bought a herman miller aeron chair for home many years ago and never and haven't had a sore ass since. You can get them used for 500 bucks on craigs list.
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    malcolm wrote: »
    I bought a herman miller aeron chair for home many years ago and never and haven't had a sore ass since. You can get them used for 500 bucks on craigs list.

    Does it help with posture? Does it put that portion of the tailbone in an untouched wedge between the back and the seat?

    I'm trying to figure out why it is considered so good?
  • carlo_c
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    I got to use an aeron chair for a couple of days once, I gotta say compared to my chair at home it was a world of difference.

    I like the idea about the exercise ball, but my desk is too high for it to work :(
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    As a cheaper alternative, my wife and I both got one of these the other week, and they're awesome.



    Definitely worth looking into as an affordable option. Fully reclined, I can sleep in it with no pain or discomfort at all.

    Before we got those, I was using a wooden dining table chair.

    Real classy like.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Mostly for me the aeron chair is a win because you adjust the tilt to match your body weight. Also as far as the ass is concerned it has a flexible mesh seat which has some give. We have cheap 80 dollar chairs at work and they're not bad though as far as numb ass, but they don't breath like the aeron so you get wet ass in the summer. I've had my chair for almost 5 years now not too pricy when I think about it as I will never buy a new chair until this one falls apart. Not sure if aeron would help with your tailbone issue but switching to this chair definitely allowed me to do 8 hour solid 3d modeling shift at home with no complaints.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    My buddy has one of these and I tried it..seriously comfy and supports your neck and lower back. Saving up money to fork out for one of these bad boys.
    danshewan wrote: »
    As a cheaper alternative, my wife and I both got one of these the other week, and they're awesome.



    Definitely worth looking into as an affordable option. Fully reclined, I can sleep in it with no pain or discomfort at all.

    Before we got those, I was using a wooden dining table chair.

    Real classy like.
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    steelcase leap
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    I have the one danshewan posted, got it around 18 months ago. It was a masssive upgrade when I first got it, felt really nice compared to the crappy generic office chair I had before. The neck thingy is designed for you to place it forward and backwards, but when you place it forward and lean back on it, it just gets pushed back so theres really no point of having it movable :/

    My chair has also developed a slight squeaking noise when you sit on it and swivel, which is a bit annoying. Tried spraying some WD40 in there, fixed it for a day and then the problem returned :(

    Its still a good chair, probably one of the best within the price range, but I've been thinking of buying the aeron instead and kinda regret that I didn't go for "the best" chair.
    I sit on my chair for over 10 hours per day, I think I definitely should spend that extra bit to buy a chair that I'll still be very happy within 5, maybe 10 years time.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    danshewan wrote: »

    Yum, that chair is fap worthy....
  • mLichy
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    nuff said... er shown...
  • Ack Master
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    geeze lamont, how do you work like that.. OUCH
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    I've got one of these:
    Looks comfy, right? yeah I was fooled too. It's just a bunch of terrible design flaws loosely held together by a chair. I'm sitting on two thick cushions and it's still bloody uncomfortable, it can't be raised high enough, the back can't be angled, the arm rests have sharp screws running through the middle of them, the arm rest base is made out of the brittlest, flimsiest chipboard imaginable and from time to time the underside will yield sharp staples to shred the fingers of the unwary.

    Worst chair ever.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    One thing I learned about chairs is, never trust someone recommending one :P Bodies and postures are so different from one artist to the other, one's dream chair is almost never somebody else's !

    I tried the expensive Aeron C, loved it for the first weeks but hated it very quickly.
    Tried the freedom chair,
    felt like it wanted to kick me out constantly. Talk about ergonomics hehe. It's expensive too.

    So for the office I bought myself this bad boy :
    I find it fantastic so far! And the back piece is tall enough to support a tilted back head for quick naps :P

    I also hacked an Ikea lounge chair for home, basically bringing it to desk compatible height with extra feet. Super comfy too!

    On a side note I find that exercise balls and yoga chairs are not so efficient for artists, as wacoms and cintiqs really ask for very specific postures.
    I actually really want to try the Andrew Jones setup, to simply work standing up. Might only work for 2D tho.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    pior wrote: »
    I actually really want to try the Andrew Jones setup, to simply work standing up. Might only work for 2D tho.

    C'mon, admit it - you just want an excuse to use a Wacom with a guitar strap, right?

    We all do.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    The metal clamps, don't forget the metal clamps!
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    So many recommendations. I think I'll just go get a donut cushion for starters...

    The idea of standing up does sound intriguing. Get a bar stool for those times I need to sit. I'm an antsy person.
  • System
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    System admin
    Here's my mess, a homebase leather reclining chair that has sunken because of my increasing belly weight :( Note the wrist rest that is infact a kitchen towel or j-cloth... Homebasechair.jpg
    Still comfortable enough to watch certain videos in, smell my chair:poly128:
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 14
    Simple wooden chair, with confortable cushion and relaxing carpet :D

  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 15
    @ sama.van. why do you have pictures of a toilet pinning on that board?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I am mostly wondering about the blue strippers thong, that's pretty neat!
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    No need to ask why there's tissue on the desk.
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 14
    arrangemonk : ws wondering to create my old house in 3D but simply don't have time... but it hel me to rmember I have to take the time

    pior : lol yeah,. it also save the floor because I stay 10h/day on this chair lool

    Lamont : lol and I cleaned, there was a mountain of tissue on the desk haha! I will die soon, my brain's already going outside my nose X_X
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Je voulais dire, la culotte bleue qui pend sur le dossier de la chaise hehe :P
  • sama.van
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    sama.van polycounter lvl 14
    pior wrote: »
    Je voulais dire, la culotte bleue qui pend sur le dossier de la chaise hehe :P

    no no no c'est un truc pour redresser les epaules de geek! et ca marche!! :D
    Et aussi ca supprime la fatigue lorsque tu bosses car ca te tirer les epaules en arrieres, c'est geniale ^_^
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    google translate fails.

    well, it understood pior...but then totally fell apart when I was expecting hilariousness from sama.van

    The thong helps geeks keep their shoulders back?

    Où puis-je acheter vos beignes mous?
  • anoon
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    After suffering a variety of back and neck pains over the years, I saved up for a while and bought an Aeron. Within less than a week my issues were gone. I freaking love this thing.

    One of the best parts about it is the mesh back and seating area. Never gets hot and sweaty like some of the leather chairs I have had.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    this thread gives me backache! i was perfectly happy with my chair until i saw some of you pimpass spinnin rim chairs! jeebus!
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 15
    i enjoy getting dizzy when spinning on my chair sometimes (even at work)
    but the chair at work has some sharp edges, killed 2 jeans recently
    gotta buy new ones soon (unfortunately the jeans i like best is one of the victims, and it was a end of range model 3 jears ago) and the mechanism to fix the chairs yaw position (i dunno if its yaw pirch or roll) is broken, so sitting in there is kinda hard
  • MattBradley
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    This thread has made me want to buy a new chair seeing as I'm sat on a pretty uncomfortable old wooden thing.

    Anyone have this chair? http://www.chairoffice.co.uk/chairs/icon-mesh-office-chair-with-black-arms.htm

    I cant afford to splash out too much.
  • mLichy
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    We have chairs at work like Lamont posted, very comfortable, they have a mesh like covering on the seat and back. I have a leather cushion chair I'm on now, much more uncomfortable then those chairs.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    sama.van - Great picture ;) so much story in such a small environment
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    pior wrote: »
    I am mostly wondering about the blue strippers thong, that's pretty neat!

    nevermind the hemorrhoid donut pillow.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    At home, some chair that i bought in ikea, It's confy and ok.


    At work:

    You can't ask for more... this thing is perfect, it will cost you a whole salary tho, if you buy it for your personal office! xD
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    Slum wrote: »
    nevermind the hemorrhoid donut pillow.

    I suspect he has a bed sore like I do. At least I think it is a bed sore...doesn't really look nasty like how the intarwebs show, but it hurts to sit. Which was why I made this thread. How to solve 3d artist ass. Trying the inflatable donut myself. :poly136: I find it annoying to sit on honestly, so I've got to try something else.


    Everyone keeps showing pictures of chairs with a breathable mesh/net. I might have to spring for one of these...
  • Jay Evans
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    Jay Evans polycounter lvl 18
    it sucks to think about what the long term health effects of 3d art are. 40-60 hours a week of sitting, clicking, staring at a glowing rectangle, and being completely surrounded by computer equipment

    Aeron for me at home and work. My ass, back and brain all agree its nice. Honestly I think getting physical activity in your life is way more important than which chair. Idealy get both.
  • jogshy
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    jogshy polycounter lvl 17
    You won't sleep on your keyboard with this one...


    This one is good to play Unreal tournament ( vehicles mod ):


    This one to play WoW when Cartman's mom is occupied:


    My old chair:


    Seriously! A good chair is the best investiment if you're gonna past a lot of time sit!
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