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Corpse Harvester

Okay here's my new project. It's a brutal guy gathering corpses from battlefiends. The whole idea will make more sense when I can post it's meateating pets alongside it later, which I havn't started on just yet..

It's highly wip as you can see and I've only concentrated on the organic surfaces so far. Next up is to retop this guy, yikes.. :)

Critique is welcome.

Scroll down for new pictures.






Thank you for looking


  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    You will work more on the legs before you retopo right?

    I'm a fan of twisted stuff like this. Keep going.
  • Killaball
    O.O look at those nipples!

    On a more serious note, fix the symmetry line down the middle of your sculpt. Its progressing well keep sculpting and can't wait to see this thing taken further!
  • carlo_c
    I like it, reminds me of Doom 3 which isn't a bad thing I think :)

    Seems to be a lot more going on with his top half than the bottom, but I'm assuming thats because he's still wip though.
  • torontoanimator
    hes just disgusting, and i love it :P!
  • kinesis
    That's pretty twisted. How could I not like it. :D
  • The Boss
    I'm not going to lie, when I saw the side view, I thought the tubes were coming out of his ass and he was eating his own excrement. Though I suppose it wouldn't be that bad because I could just assume the tank on his back was filtering it and adding a pleasant raspberry taste.

    It's looking good, a few things stand out though. Currently his pelvis seems to be rather narrow, both his legs seem to run into the same point and he has no speakable crotch. I also agree with killaball that the mirror line seems to stand out quite a bit and could be relaxed. Mostly though, the anatomy seems to be rather lumpy and busy overall. I'm sure you are going for the disgusting mutated look, but I think a lot could be gained from making sure the underlying anatomy is strong (especially his shoulders) and then using the imperfections to add to certain areas rather then just decimating large sections.

    It's looking great though, he's got a great imposing feeling to him. Keep at it, can't wait to see it finished.
  • Bjoz
    Thanks all for the answers!

    Junkie_XL: The legs are gonna be covered with pants so I dont have to bother with details of the actual legs, but with the clothing instead.

    Killaball: Yaar I've got to agree those nipples are far to pretruding. So I'm gonna fix that for sure. And yes that symmerty line is definitely a good point and I will turn off the symmerty soon and work with the final touches, then also remove this clear line.

    torontoanimator, kinesis: Thanks hah!

    The Boss: Haha I get it with the side wiew there, maybe I'll rearrange those tubes a little or it will not be a problem after texturing when the tubes pop out in another color. Thank you for anatomy observations, I'll see what I can do.

    I'll try to update this one as soon as I've made some more progress.
  • Cacophony
    that is absolutely grim dude, its like hes eating a funeral. I like it!
  • Bjoz
    Hello again!

    Deadline drawing near so I had to finish off the sculpting part quickly so I've been doing some lowpoly and baking stuff. I'm really bad with topology in general so I assume you will find some strange areas ^^

    However it ended up with just below 14k tris and so I managed to score within my set limit. Here's some pictures again:

    EDIT: Putting up some wips with AO on.


    Thank you for looking,
  • achillesian
    this would scare the shit out of me in a game
  • Bjoz
    achillesian: That's good!:)

    Here's a preview of the flesh eating larvas that he uses to clean areas from dead bodies. They are called "meatfiends" for now.

    I'm looking for constructive critisism or just any positive or negative thoughts in general.


  • 3DLee
    Really awesome design, I feel like the larva fit really well with the idea of this guy. And yes, seeing this in game game would freak me out for sure, great work!
  • Bjoz
    3DLee: Thank you! I'm glad you think they are great together since I had to do the larva in a rush.

    Here's some new pictures of the larva and the upcoming scene.


    Of course you understand this is very wip.
  • Bjoz
    I've started texturing now. Any crits are welcome.

    And yeah I'm viewing it in marmor set.

  • t4paN
    Offline / Send Message
    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    I like it a lot, the hands are particularily nice. I want to see how the vagina headed bugs will come out after texturing.
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Upper Body looks great, the legs and boots especially need some refining of the detail, the textures look murky and undefined.

    Hands are well done. Maybe make the holding tank on his back a little more interesting, I feel like it defines who this character is for it to be just plain grey metal.
  • Bjoz
    Thank you mates for some input.

    You are right about the upper/lower parts of the body. To be honest, 95% of this charatcter consists of from above the hips. However I'm in the middle of texturing and I will focus on making the pants and boots more interesting. And I will work more on the tank, thanks. How about some rust?

    The vaginaheaded larva will soon be posted with the first textures on too!
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    Hes got that crazy look in his eye
  • ralusek
    Offline / Send Message
    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    pretty disgusting. this isn't really my style, but i still like it, so i guess that is an accomplishment on your side
  • butt_sahib
    Offline / Send Message
    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Making a scene sounds nice :D
    Love the critters there....they will look great when textured!
  • Bjoz
    Thank you for your kind words!

    Here's an update from marmoset, I would so like to build some more of an enviroment (and put some dead corpses on the ground) but I just dont have the time for that. So that will be a later project.

    I did put some rust on the metal areas and tried to knock up the lower part of the body by playing with the materials and adding some grungy detail.

    Since the guy and his larvas are unrigged they still have a pretty lame pose.

  • ArcticNova83
    Gorgeous work.

    Can we see your concept, just for giggles?
  • vcortis
    Offline / Send Message
    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Looking good, if you get anytime I feel like the little larva fiends should be a bit "messier" aka bloodier if they're crawling around in corpses.
  • dejawolf
    Offline / Send Message
    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    yay to built in beerhat.
  • Bjoz
    My concepts are the worst things earth have ever witnessed so no I'm sorry they won't be posted! ^^

    You certainly have a point in making the larvas bloody.

    The groundtexture suck for now but I'm going to build an enviroment to this scene in the upcoming weeks.

    Final images for now.

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