Starting up a sci-fi hallway. It originally started out as just doing a quake 4 pillar concept by Paul Richards, but decided to make a scene out of it. I didn't use any concept for the floor. Pillar came out to be 875 tri's and a 512x1025 map. The floor is a 512x512 mirrored in the middle
Crysis screens:
Either way looking good, keep it up!
@kaburan: thanks. Hmm, yah i guess the hinge seems a bit weak, but it doesn't look too bad from the sides, where you can see the hinge connector thingy a bit better. I'll see if I can fatten that part up a bit
Be sure your edges are big enough to influence your normal maps. You don't want to do all that work, only to have them dissolve into noise. Avoid 90 degree angles baked to a flat surface, etc.