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Making low poly organics and Sub-d

Hey guys, a couple of questions

In terms of low poly organics, I've been looking through racer445's AK tutorial where he simplifies the high poly rifle (Thank you Racer, amazing job).
But in terms of doing it for an organic mesh, is there a different method applied? Do you remove that many edge loops? If so, how whilst retaining the ability to still smoothly animate your model?

Sub-d modeling...I'm stumped, truly and utterly confused. In terms of Maya, is sub-d simply preparing a low poly mesh, and then smoothing it to create the high poly? Using the smooth view "3" to see what it looks like whilst modeling? Or is it actually something completely separate, and something akin to the Zbrush, geometry divisions?

Sorry for the kinda basic questions, I'm just trying to clear things up
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