Situation: multiple scenes imported from mulitple places, each one is a mess and has multi/sub materials assigned but not necessarily each material actually in use.
Want: single multisub with all objects' [in selection, or in scene] materials consolidated, material IDs cleaned up [such that they're sequential instead of skipping numbers in each place an unused material was removed].
Does anyone know any good free scripts/plugins to do this?
God I hate multisubs. Why can't I just assign a material to a face like every other major package lets you do without you creating an anachronistic dinosaur of a abstraction in the background.
Takes an object that has a multi/subobject material, and collapses the material to use only the subobject materials that are assigned to face IDs on the object. Modifies the object as well, consolidation material IDs and collapsing it to an editable mesh. Great for cleaning up nasty subobject materials on characters or buildings that have been attached several billion times.
it is one of the scripts in here:
I found the latest version works fine with Max 2012. Just extract the downloaded ZIP folder into the 3ds Max root directory, and it will set everything up automatically.
Perhaps it isn't exactly what you are looking for, but I hope it helps
if you use edit mesh mode in 3ds max you can apply materials to a face. edit poly doesn't work with this for some reason.