I'm helping to write a game engine for a club at school and we would like to "ship" our engine with some basic all around useful content that a developer might be able to use.
If you have a model that you would like to donate send me a link in PM or via
"What spec would an ideal asset be?" is a bit of a no brainer. Does your engine support normal/gloss/displacement? Can it have externally-written shaders plugged into it? What format of mesh do you require? Does it have any proprietary formats that need to be taken into account? Does your engine do anything differently to any of the other massive, contemporary game engines, that can be exploited to best present the art.
It's not only a question of "would my shit fit into your shit", but it's more about manners and marketting - You've not really said much that sells the whole idea of having people lend you their hard work, creativity and property.
nice analogy...
I wish I could answer those questions, but as of this moment I can't simply because we're still in the planing stage. As to the file format(s) that our engine will support, most likely .obj, .3ds, .max, .jpg/.jepg, .png, possibly more as the project progresses. We'll have to have a working version of the engine before I can answer questions about the more complex facets of what models can and can't include.
This was more of a place for people to say they have models that they're willing to let us use.
Once you've got something to show you'll garner much more interest from the community (and artists) who will be willing to support your efforts.
Yes, we are obviously a ways off form any kind of working program, and now that I think about it I'm not entirely sure why I started this thread so early in the development cycle...