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Borderlands is out today



  • Canden Picard
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    Too much cursor accuracy? I guess its a little sensative, but then again items drop close to each other so they probobly had to compromise.
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    Cool game, enjoying it so far. Well done guys ;) Main gripe would be that the pc online is pretty balls as is the server broser in general.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    why is it balls gavku?
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    Not being able to filter by location, even after forwarding ports not being able to host games, having mates constantly timing out, people having random mic issues etc...
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    gavku speaks the truth. Other than that i really enjoy the game. Playing with a mate all the way through. Just got my first corrosive weapon (a shotgun even) and it´s a.... BLAST to fire it into a group of enemies once and just see them all dying :)
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Beat it with my cousin. Great game. Ending was kind of meh but whatever. Not what I expected. On the second play through now. Damn shit got hard REAL quick!
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    I cant play games these days it seems... i need my internet provider to open some ports for me for borderlands to work... at work it works great LAN though :).
  • Quokimbo
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    I cant play games these days it seems... i need my internet provider to open some ports for me for borderlands to work... at work it works great LAN though :).

  • Dr Stench
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    I also got the PC version this week. Haven't played that much yet so I don't really know what to think yet. I'm also having major problems when going multi player. It's like 1 in 10 servers is join able. Friends also can't join any game I host. Even with the correct ports forwarded and all possible firewalls off. This is really annoying. They DO need to fix this.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    Just got it, yet to install....
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I can join servers easily but they are often overseas so full of lag and people speaking languages I dont understand, not really fun. We need a local server tag or ping numbers at least so that we can join a decent game.
  • Parkar
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    Parkar polycounter lvl 18
    Dr Stench wrote: »
    I also got the PC version this week. Haven't played that much yet so I don't really know what to think yet. I'm also having major problems when going multi player. It's like 1 in 10 servers is join able. Friends also can't join any game I host. Even with the correct ports forwarded and all possible firewalls off. This is really annoying. They DO need to fix this.

    Me and my brothers have found a work around that works for us every single time. Seems like this is a bug in the game.

    If the player who is about to host first starts a single player game, then exits back to the main menu and then starts a new single player game. When sending invites the first time it always times out. When sending invites the second time it always works. It behaves the same no matter who of us is hosting.

    No guarantee it will work for everyone of course but it's worth trying at least.
  • Heart_Murmur
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    Check out gameranger if your having trouble connecting with friends. It's pretty much tunneling software for LAN games. It's been working for me and my friends that have trouble.

  • ArtsyFartsy
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    So is the co-op gameplay fun. I'm kinda off hack and slash but coop makes everything 10 times better usually.

    My only problem with these coop games is that if I want to play with my brother, we have to buy two separate keys. That doesn't seem right for a family to buy two copies. There has to be a better way.
  • greenj2
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    Arise thread....ARISE!!!


    Finished the game yesterday and my god the ending was horrible. The story feels like it's had the ending cut off and cauterized, rather than coming to any interesting/meaningful conclusion. The more I think about it, that final boss literally seems like a giant plug in the vault story when the designers didn't know what to put inside the vault itself...

    Just as bad, the whole 'killing for mad loot' theme kicks you in the nuts when you bring down a boss the size of a mountain and he drops a few trashy green/white items. Granted I was playing solo, but it's the final boss ffs, squeeze out a purple item or two you tight bastard!

    Loved the art style, the humour and the co-op action. Hated the glitchy menu system, broken network game features(PC version) and of course the ending.
  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    love the loot aspect, art aspect is rediculously good. reminds me of prince of persia. had issues playing with friends online (PC), but thats ok.
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