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Mudbox - Extreme viewport FOV distortion glitch...why?

Hey guys,

I could really use some help with this as it's brought my workflow to a crawl.

Basically, while I'm working away in Mud, my perspective viewport camera does this:


It's like an inverted fish-eye lens, everything at the edges of the camera appears huge. I've had this happen to me on different machines and I've yet to work out or be told why. Camera transform reset tools don't fix it and all the camera values look fine (FOV at default value). Oh and as you can see in the numbered screenshots, if I zoom back far enough, the camera actually inverts the viewport and all my camera controls with it...

I'm running Mudbox 2009, Service Pack 2 on Windows XP Pro.

My only options now are to save reopen the scene, that fixes it but is also very inefficient. Or I can make my perspective camera orthographic and work like that.

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!


  • Ben Apuna
    This is one of those really lame things that Mudbox seems to have as a feature.

    If you take a look at the hotkey settings, you'll notice that there is a "Camera 2D Scale" looks like it's set to Ctrl + Alt + RMB this is the distortion zoom.

    There are a bunch of other "Zoom" settings such as "Zoom", "Zoom 2", and "Zoom 3".

    "Zoom" with Alt + LMB + MMB and "Zoom 2" with Alt + RMB both seem to function correctly.

    I hope this helps.
  • greenj2
    Thanks heaps Ben, that trick worked perfectly. :)

    I went into the hotkeys and disabled 'Camera 2D Scale'. Then I set 'Zoom 2' to 'Ctrl+ Alt + RMB'. It functions exactly the same as the default keys, only without the annoying psychedelic camera distortion. Thanks very much sir!
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