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Working Outside

polycounter lvl 17
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coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
I'm wondering if anyone here, and I would be surprised by even a rare few.... but I was wondering if anyone works outside somehow, or in mostly sunlight.

I have a... lets say condition (lol), in that I really need to be be in the sun or in bright light most of the day. Working indoors in dimly lit rooms all day really aggravated things, and I honestly don't know if there's any real way to overcome this problem without going out and literally designing some new type of workstation for the outdoors.

So how about it guys, what do you does?


  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    Ride my bike to work everyday and work with windows open. Live in a nice wooded area with good weather so I get my dose of nature each day.
  • bounchfx
    sometimes if I'm concepting I'll just go outside to draw, as long as it's not raining. as for most of work? we just have really big windows
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    i draw on the beach.

    I'd have a computer outside if I had an awesome enough deck with covering and a badass laptop.. I have none of those things.
  • System
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    System admin
    I live slapbang in the middle of nowhere, but if I had company id probably be outside drawing a hell of a lot more. Over summer I got really fucking restless if the weather was nice - i just had to get on my bike and go out indefinately else id get this weird feeling about being at a standstill.

  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Inside. The passage of time would be too much to notice and would cue me to do things like go to sleep. When I lived in Chicago, I worked in a basement and could stay up for 24 hours straight because I had no clue what was going on outside.

    If I wanna get up and enjoy outside stuff, I'll get up and go outside.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I really, really need windows to work properly, I dont have them at work and it sucks big time. Kinda depressing. but we can swap places pretty easily tho so I think everybody can be happy. But yeah sun rocks.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    I sit right by a window and try to get outside at least for lunch everyday.
  • Squirmy
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    Squirmy polycounter lvl 17
    when i grow up i wanna work in a cubical all day
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    I sit next to a wall . . . I hate it. I don't care if I'm indoors, but I need to be able to see outside from wherever I am in order to feel right. Don't know how you're going to actually work outside though. . .
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I could live in a box and be fine with it. Although I love biking/hiking/fishing and such, I don't crave the outdoors. If I'm there, cool. If not, no biggie. Windows don't do anything for me other than serve as a distraction.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    jocose wrote: »
    Ride my bike to work everyday and work with windows open. Live in a nice wooded area with good weather so I get my dose of nature each day.


    I hate London.
  • Sandro
    I wish I were a programmer. I would buy cheap laptop and actually code outdoors. Without all this cables, wacom and calibrated monitor-screenspace jazz to worry about :)
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    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    who needs sun, my monitor is plenty bright enough
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    Squirmy wrote: »
    when i grow up i wanna work in a cubical all day

    seconded omg that was too funny.
    I actually wish I saw more sunlight but alas my vampire ways would not have it. not twilight vampire though...I'm not that good looking and I don't roll around in glitter and have eyeliner.
    just very large black circles around both of my eyes.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    seconded omg that was too funny.
    I actually wish I saw more sunlight but alas my vampire ways would not have it. not twilight vampire though...I'm not that good looking and I don't roll around in glitter and have eyeliner.
    just very large black circles around both of my eyes.
    Don't try to peddle your lies here... we know your girlfriend beats you. :poly136:
    Windows don't do anything for me other than serve as a distraction.
    Man, that's so true for me. I used to work in an office overlooking La Jolla cove, we spent most of the time looking at the MILFs, dolphins, whales, sharks, people sexing it up on the beach (and in the boats), hotties wearing the breast hammocks, the seagulls shit bombing people, hippies smoking weed, seals messing around and tourists looking like tourists.

    If I am working outside it's manual labor shit, cuz if I am outside I am either playing, shopping or driving.
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    seconded omg that was too funny.
    I actually wish I saw more sunlight but alas my vampire ways would not have it. not twilight vampire though...I'm not that good looking and I don't roll around in glitter and have eyeliner.
    just very large black circles around both of my eyes.
    die in a sunlight induced fire.

    We have big windows here so its not bad
    I worked outside once on my laptop
    hated it
    sunglare was colossal
    It's nice just not very practical.
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 14
    I sit in front of a window that has college chicks walking by all day.
  • Mark Dygert
    I live in Washington State. This time of year it gets light around 9-10am, dark at 4pm and when it isn't raining the sun is hidden by clouds. It's awesome, I don't suggest moving here if you crave sun, its like this for 6-8mo of the year.

    Best conditions for shooting textures, dry overcast day, gold mine!

    At work I sit in front of a big window that catches a lot of sun in the summer time. It's annoying, but its sometimes nice to know its there, if I choose to open the blinds, but I don't. Mostly it just says hi by blinding me though pin hole gaps... Yea I see you Mr Sun, now kindly piss off and find someone else to annoy.

    It's nice going for a run, a bike or hike and not having to worry about heat stroke, super fast dehydration or skin cancer.
    (yea you can get burned on overcast days, but its cold so you cover up =P).

    I used to work outside, it sucks being wet all the time, even in rain gear you get wet.
  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    I have no windows so I bought a plant, it makes me feel like i'm part of nature.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I think I'd have to seriously consider not taking a job if there was no natural light anywhere... I would get depressed and suicidal within the first 3 months.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    I actually really enjoy being totally blocked off from sunlight, gets me in the mindset to do technical work. A cold dark environment to do work in makes me feel right at home, in fact i get depressed trying to do work in a hot well lit area because it's too distracting and my results diminish :D
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    Aaah I have no windows at work either. Drives me crazy. I feel like I'm in my parents basement all over again.

    I work from home sometimes though where I have a great ocean view. It makes me happy.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    coldkodiak wrote: »
    I have a... lets say condition (lol), in that I really need to be be in the sun or in bright light most of the day.

    You're an inverse vampire?

    Our office has massive windows which tend to let a lot of light in from one side during the day - it's alright most of the time, but late evening when the sun is setting means it reflects off the desks and monitors like crazy and we have to pull the blinds down.

    I don't particularly care about natural light either way as long as it's not glaring off my screen :)
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Im a fan of natural light but can live without it. At home my window is behind me and I get super wicked glare off my monitor which sucks.

    SOE has some of the best cave lighting I have seen. It is so dark in there that when I went in for my interview I almost tripped over a box in the middle of a hallway because I couldnt see it. But after a month I got so use to the dark that I would hiss every time I would go out for lunch in the bright San Diego sun.
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    breakneck wrote: »
    I have no windows so I bought a plant, it makes me feel like i'm part of nature.

    Haha, I used to work in an office with a plant, and I'd joke it was the only thing alive in there.
    Having plants around is actually a little comforting

    Yea, in our line of work the Sun is evil with its glare off our monitors; impossible to do work.
    I imagine the only real way to reconcile computers and outdoors, is to try to get your outdoors time while you're not on the computer.

    I'm personally on a mission though, I'm going to see f I can't design a workstation that is perfectly acceptable for the outdoors. I expect utter failure. haha.

    ahh boy, what a world we live in. Grow up to live in a cubicle... indeed.
  • 00Zero
    i WISH we had windows. some people in the office are lucky enough to have them, but most of the art department doesnt. the funny thing is that the test department has this really sweet area with giant windows and sweet furniture and shit, but not the art department...
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    /me is is totally not surprised to see Pior reply to this thread

    Seriously though... I can not survive outside without sunglasses even if its an overcast day, which i think either makes me look moderately cool :) or just like a complete douche

    I will echo this sentiment of anticlimactic-ism of an existence in hastily built dead caverns after spending your whole childhood and teenage years out and about preparing for the "real world". Why do they get you used to napping in the afternoon in kindergarten and then snatch it away? This seems like a similar thing, you get used to being outside, then they take it away.

    There have been, and some can still be found today in excessive plenitude, existences far worse and filled with much more misery and despair, which comforts me and makes me think that this paradigm of complaints could easily be solved inside one's mind. In other words, its a matter of perception, the problem of dissatisfaction can be solved with some mental gymnastics.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    These threads always make me feel guilty, that I am not active enough or don't care about going outside and don't have outdoor hobbies.

    I really love being outdoors when I am already there, but I am content to just stay inside all day too... I need a real reason or place to go, I don't just wander outside aimlessly. Usually I am outside when going to work and back.

    I like being enclosed in small areas... sort of. I like windows though, but covered up by curtains or blinds. Direct natural light and stuff out the window is distracting.

    I would hate to mention anything about Vampires, but I feel the odds are stacked against me..... I just had an epiphany. Maybe MJ was a vampire. he fed on the blood of children, not their sexuality. It would explain the "vitaligo" which made him weak in the sun and super pale. It would also explain why you would settle out of court. Then get "not guilty" on charges that weren't "vampiricy". The Indian thriller guy knew it too. That's why he wears fangs in the video, to truly impersonate Michael Jackson, he knew the truth that we were all blind to.

    I like house plants a lot too.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    +1 to Vig's post. Living around here in Seattle is nice and cool most of the time (though this summer was rid-fucking-iculously hot), and the many overcast days make for fantastic texture photography.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    bah, I've already got a freckle that "should get looked at" screw the cancer orb!
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