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Sketchbook: Alan Mitchell

polycounter lvl 14
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AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14





and one character
I thought I would challenge myself after graduation
I did ^^


and a digital painting
or 2




  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    wee nothing new
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    just thought I would post some old stuff in new UDK






    Reworked it just a bit....mainly just added light map to eet. I dunno I think she looks better just bit.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
  • reiro
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    reiro polycounter lvl 10
    I think you textures are too messy. You got some strange harsh lines in your texturemap. If you handpaint them you need to pay more attention to detail and have to clean them up a bit. However the proportion is quite good.

    Also pay attention on where on the model you place dirt and mud. It looks pretty random atm.
    Last but not least dont bake the lighting in your textures thats suppose to be done by the engine.

    Keep working.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    wow, good job. there may be too much grudge on the model. make it a little cleaner.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    @reiro thank you for your critique
    I thought the lightmap might help but I guess that's not how it is done. :P
    ok I will get rid of the lightmap.
    I tried giving the grunge a story but looking back on it it does seem sort of random I will see if I can't address it.

    note to self: tone down grunge.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    Alright umm toned down some stuff on that model just too lazy to post atm.
    but I do have a digital paint.

    Original done by Leonardo Da Vinci.

    5 hour paint.

  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    Smartgun from aliens.

  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14


    topdown view of the ground. still a WIP
    gonna have to break up the ground texture with some sweet tricks.


    thinking about having a huge silhouette in the background like a colossus or something. a big statue that you wouldn't expect to come to life. but then it does.
    cause it's a trap.
    hence the skulls.....and no exit.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    btw I got my static mesh working in UDK's particle system
    Kismit I think....
    but does anyone know how to get the object to be lit dynamically?
    cause right now the diffuse is plugged into the emmisive because I couldn't figure it out.

    Also I have a collision model on the coins...does anyone know how to get the collision working for particles.
    I think it's just messing around with values but I spent a whole night and with no success.

    any help would be appreciated.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    Note: meshes being used as particles don't need collision. Unreal does it 4 you.

    what I've been up to.
    better lit
    with dust on top
  • AlanSMitchell
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    and Rocks
    thx to
    Sascha Henrichs' procedural stone method
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
  • AlanSMitchell
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14




    Snow Maps
    Red Channel Topdown lighting source
    Green Channel Left lighting source
    Blue Channel Mask for anything without detail bump


  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    Testing Brokeh Depth of Field

  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    Hey Alan - just dropping in here to keep an eye on the progress. Materials on the walkways are fucking DOPE so far. The statues seem to be lacking a bit... I'll write more later on what I think you might be able to do to improve them... but as sa rule I tend to stay away from anything character related. If you have something that is either an animal, character, statue etc. in your folio, you will be judged HARD as a character artist FYI. So if you gonna keep these guys in your scene, they should be really fucking awesome.

    I'm gonna open up a thread soon and post the progress shots of my garden, I'll link you to it on here later if interested. Good luck man - anxious to see this develop!
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks Man! Great Crit by the way I should feel the same way about the statues and to be honest the only way I am able to do anything character related is if I treat it like a regular asset. I worked hard on them knowing that they will have to stand up to that standard. I really want to keep them, and I will probably work super hard so I can keep them in the sene. I wish I could keep on cranking out work right now because I have so many ideas. But I'm taking my grandfather on a 2 week trip to WA state this week.
    Here is a mock up pf what I want to do next.
    I have done a ton of research on Chinese Gardens so I know the rules I'm breaking and why.
    I'm also really trying to create a good composition with my sene. Feel free to do paintovers
    also thinking about flagstone for the brick pattern (in the background) but I need to do a little more research to see if they even had flagstone lmao.
    and link me to that thread I should prolly start a proper one for this one as well.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    Lens Effects distracted me a lot
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    SS distracted me this time
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    Ok I swear I'm done with post process for now spent about 2-3 days figuring out how to make the water droplets from Bioshock. My friend had me play Bioshock 1 again and I got very inspired so I tired to figure out how they did their water drops effect. I came up with something my own way.
    and now I'm back to work I did a lot of research on chinese symbols.
    I'm thinking this will be a emperor's summer garden.
    Therefore I can have a five clawed dragon and phoenix as a relief sculpture along either side of the stairs.
    I have the low and high poly made I just need to get to work on sculpting now.
    PS. Lens effect is mass effect inspired I will probably change it soon.
  • AlanSMitchell
  • AlanSMitchell
  • allmighty_thunder
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    allmighty_thunder polycounter lvl 13
    oooh really nice, the tilt shift effect makes it look miniature
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    It's been years since I've updated this but here we go.

    This project turned into a research smorgasbord I was researching eveything down to the last detail trying to learn the fauna and flora that would be in a chinese garden. Moon gates the symbolism of just about everything down to the selection of rock. in the process I neglected to make a base or just do basic planning that lead to my own abandonment of this project.

    I'd like to see what I can do with more years as an artist.

    but don't be like me and get the planning done first.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14

    I'm not real good with characters but I learned quite a bit from this project. It felt like a nice win since my last failed project.

  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14

    Concept Matthew Hanisch

    I joined a crew of former Art Institute of Phoenix students to form a group called Lost Boys Media LLC

    I left pretty early on into the project.
    I made this piece to help create a road map for how to use gradiantmapping and masks to speed up production. I was really inspired by Andrew Maximov

    It doesn't read here but I was attempting to make small chipped details. 

  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14

    Concept by: Alexander Thümler "miNze"

    During my winter break I tried to do this piece in 2 weeks and for the most part I completed it in 2 weeks. While learning cry engine the whole time.

  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    After completing this project I was aproched by an indie game developer with an opportunity Molotov Games.

    almost as soon as I came on we started loosing artists right and left getting picked up by studios. Which if I had the forsight I have now should have been my sign to peace out. I stuck it out and as I was working on things I was gaining more responcibilities as people left.

    I don't have anything from this time just because I wasn't posting on social media. I was doing solid work trying to fit into a production pipeline.

    While this happened PBR became the new standard. I did a couple of tests for myself to see if I could adapt.

  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14

    I came to the conclusion of sortof. I made this piece because I was a substitute teacher for most of this. It was my day job and I hated it but I had an odd sense of pride at the same time. I was pretty good at my job and I had gotten better and there where some moments that I was able to really speak into a kids life and change it if just a little. It gave me a real sense of purpose for what I saw as a purposeless time. I was also fighting some really deep depression for most of this time. During one the summers I saved about 250$ saved up for solely food. which had to last me 2 and a half months until school started up. I was dying for the summer to make art but when it came. I was so depressed I didn't want to move. 

  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    I took a part time working at starbucks and the Aetna. Many of my coworkers where younger than me and seemed to have this whole life thing figured out. One of my good friends where I worked wanted me to make a dinosaur riding a star I gave him this. My job at Aenta left me tired from the commute and the mind numbing work I didn't do a whole lot of work while I worked there.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    My next job was at JP Morgan which was by far my worst job to date. I wasn't a full time employee I was a temp

    and somewhere along the way I had rekindled my love for traditional art.

  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    I found a girlfriend which lead to it's own issues. My girlfriend loves Doctor Who

    My girfriend is amazing but her best friend struggled with depression, suicidal thoughts, cutting, ect.

    I tried to be there for her as much as I could, her favorite character is sadness from inside out. I was there when she attempted suicide. Winding up in the hospital a number of times. It wasn't easy for me for her for anyone. Mental health is something that needs to be talked more about in this country in general. She survived those suicide attempts.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    I wound up leaving the JP Morgan job for Adecco jumping from one temp agency from another. This time I began working for Waymo the self driving car company. Finally something to do with technology at least a little bit

    I was asked to make this as a sticker for other employees
    Right now I'm moved in with my girlfriend, her best friend moved out and we still keep tabs on her. The friendship has changed and it's been harder. I feel personally manipulated by her, I don't know if it's malicious or not. She controlled my life though the mood swings and the ups and downs. She is seeing a therapist right now and making some real progress. It's just been exausting to even see her.

    I'm still working for my ultimate goal of making game art for a living. I've been attending GDC and anything I can. Staying up to date on the technology. If you have any leads for me or just want to talk. I'm here. I have been super intimated by all of the art coming out on polycount which is why I have kept my art to myself. I'm going to try to stay more involved. 
  • AlanSMitchell
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