...a very short animation. Little thing I've been working on now and then for way too long. Finally finished, or as finished as it's going to get. Ironically I started this to see if I could make something quickly by cheating as much as possible by using camera mapping.
I'd like to upload a better quality video but I can't figure out video compression for &#*$(!
Watch fullscreen!
Yeah got any details for us ?
Nice animations, i think the wood couldve "bent" slightly.
Maybe some dust fx ?
and how did you do the gunshot fx?
As ru4it said, would like to see more!
me too wants to know the software used
iWeReZ - Wood? There is no wood in it to bend! Yeah I planned to do some dust with FumeFx, have the smoke swirl around the tank as it came out in the beginning. But yeah...Didn't get around to that!
Everything done in Max then composited in After Effects. Environment is all camera mapped, tank rendered with mray.
Gunshot fx was just done with a particle flow instancing geometry that I animated stretching and wiggling a bit.
know exactly what you mean
cool stuff, hope to see more !