I created this funny little cannon in 3DS max using an eat3d tutorial and the advice of some very helpful friends. Im curious to think what you guys think of it and how I can make my future stuff better. Thanks
The wood looks awesome but the canon metal doesn't compare, it just looks like specular yellow but not metal. presume you are going for something like this?
The wood looks awesome but the canon metal doesn't compare, it just looks like specular yellow but not metal. presume you are going for something like this?
After some time spent revisiting the diffuse and specular maps this is the result. A coworker also suggested that I add a spec color to help sell the metallic finish. Let me know what you think!
yeah that revision looks lot better - have a dark grey background next tme. (also my tut was recorded when i didnt realise how annoying i was LOL) a quite desaturated brown/gold colour spec will help that gold to pop
With that said, ACE work on the revise. Looks wayy better!
There should not be black lines here. This is caused from either
Or this could be from not separated uv islands from different smoothing groups?