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Blizzard art style questions

Hi there,

I'm moving on to my next portfolio project after spending far longer than I would have liked on my workshop scene.

I want to do a WoW style weapon, an axe or sword or similar. Hardly an original idea I know but I want to try hand painting textures, something I've never done before and I'd rather start out on something focused like a weapon rather than trying to do a whole scene painterly style.

I just have a couple of questions which might help me with it.

Firstly, are normal maps used in WoW? That sounds like a dumb question to me, I don't know why but it kinda looks like they don't use nm's but I feel like someone's gonna tell me they do.

Secondly, does anyone know of a good site or guide that covers hand painting textures? More specifically in the kind of WoW style would be great, where it's supposed to look painted, rather than back in the days when painted textures were supposed to look real if you see what I mean.

Many thanks


  • rube
    Offline / Send Message
    rube polycounter lvl 17
    No normal maps in wow. colour and specular, and occasionally a reflection map.
  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    - no normals (its a low spec engine)
    - don't look for specific tutorials or you will end up as yet another monkey creating concrete barriers. Instead search just for painting or texturing videos and just exercise. You will only get good or great if you actually try things yourself and don't depend to much on tutorials.

    Maybe also have a look at other's work here. There have been some great wacom painted textures in the Low Poly thread here:
    some excerpts:
    well and lots of others,- so check out that thread- mostly the shots come with some texture sheet shot as well so you can see how they handled the UV's and the painting/ texture.
  • Tom Ellis
    Thanks to both of you for the replies.

    That's an awesome link and set of images you posted there, thank you.

    I know what you mean about tutorials and I obviously don't want to just 'copy' someones workflow, it was more an insight into painting textures by hand which is something I've never done, all my experience is with photo based textures with some brushwork in PS to make them a little more custom.

    Those images and the ones in the linked thread are more than enough insight for me to see how it's done though, thanks again.
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