I'm starting a new thread for this because I'm not going to be asking any qs, this is really just to share where I get up to with making blender more comfortable coming from maya. If anyone has more ideas, throw em in
To use this, you'll need to grab AutoHotkey, its a hotkey scripting prog
here's where I'm up to, I nicked the first part from a guy on blenderartists.org from here
edit: ok, biggest issue so far is typing names of stuff
which is interfered with from the mapping. I need to figure out a 'disable remaps' toggle for that situation.
edit2: ok, mapped that to tab
#IfWinActive, Blender ahk_class GHOST_WindowClass
!MButton::Send, {SHIFTDOWN}{MButton Down}
!MButton Up::Send, {SHIFTUP}{MButton Up}
!LButton::Send, {MButton Down}
!LButton Up::Send, {MButton Up}
!RButton::Send, {CTRLDOWN}{MButton Down}
!RButton Up::Send, {CTRLUP}{MButton Up}
;rooster's bits- just my preference
;use tab to toggle the script. I remap tab functions later
;swap click buttons
;component selection mode to A
;edit/object mode toggle to S
;selectall/deselectall d
;extrude to \
the most important bit is the part I nicked, it sets the navigation to maya controls
the options I then set in blender are:
turntable view rotation (don't go all funky angles on me)
drag immediately (dont have to confirm *some transform clicks. still have to on others)
Some of the default hotkeys are pretty nice though. x is delete, ctrl+shift has some nice mesh edit options, ctrl gridsnaps. Going to look at some good welding hotkeys next
Second: damn you ctrl+tab !!
Also, with mode toggle to S, how do you scale? Q is right next to it and does nothing, I'd map stuff to that .
PS here's how my script currently looks after some more modelling
#IfWinActive, Blender ahk_class GHOST_WindowClass
!MButton::Send, {SHIFTDOWN}{MButton Down}
!MButton Up::Send, {SHIFTUP}{MButton Up}
!LButton::Send, {MButton Down}
!LButton Up::Send, {MButton Up}
!RButton::Send, {CTRLDOWN}{MButton Down}
!RButton Up::Send, {CTRLUP}{MButton Up}
;rooster's bits
;swap click buttons
;translation modes
;area select closer to hand
;snap controls to v
v Up::Send,{ShiftUp}
;component selection mode to A
;edit/object mode toggle to S
;selectall/deselectall d
I'll link to it as soon as my effing web host gets my site back online
cos I ain't pressin no ctrl e alt 2 to make sum dang edges soft
I might be interested in this as well even though I don't work with maya. Do you script it with python or is there another way of adding custom panels with script- buttons?
the one drawback is that the panel needs to be positioned above the viewport you're working in. I usually have one big persp window so its not difficult, but if you have loads of panels all over it might be tricky
it should be clear from the comments what does what, any Qs just ask
the tabs aren't complete, need to add some buttons as I find I need them
like I say, the panel needs to be over the viewport window which you're using
ps, I have copy and pasting experience, not scripting experience.. so I'm not going to muck about with python interfaces