Hi there, I've recently started a Foundation degree in Games Development which requires modelling something I'm not used too. Normally when I've made maps other people (friends) have given me thier content and I've used that. Sadly it's now time for me to learn mdoelling and it's been a hard two weeks (technically four days worth of lessons is all I've had in Max) this is the result so far of four days work, the model is supposed to be a low poly spiteful f14.
I could do with some feedback and some crit on it but the deadline for the model to be in is Tuesday and then we're moving onto unwrapping it then texturing it. Alot of edges and vertexes still need tidying up which is what I am doing at the moment before I move any further.
You seem to have a lot of edge loops that you could get rid. What is your poly limit for the prop? what is your current poly count?
And it might help with poly count to make the wings and the cockpit and the tail flaps separate objects.
Any chance of a bigger pic of the wireframed model? Would be easier to suggest where you could remove some edges if we could see them more clearly, and it's more paintover friendly. No need to show the entire UI of your modelling app, just crop the pic down to show just the model.